Name: Anton De La'Dair Nickname: Shudder, an old field agent once made a joke to the assistant director and he found the joke hilarious enough to start calling Anton 'Shudder' and eventually the other agents joined in. To this day only the assistant director knows what the joke was and when asked about it he simply shakes his head laughs slighty and mutters 'Shudder' beneath his breath. Age: 38 Race: Sorcere Height: 6 foot Weight: 150 pounds Hair Color: Black, though the other day he caught a stray grey Eye Color: A violet purple from the magic flowing in his veins, but he wears pale blue contacts when operating in public Description: On the surface there's nothing out of the ordinary about Anton, ot including his eyes of course, he has a thin frame and his shoulders are barely broader than a woman's but underneath his crumpled shirt are muscles that ripple everytime he moves, Anton would tell you that his toned physique is due to intense physical training but truthfully it's intense arcane magic flowing through his veins. He has shoulder length wavy black hair, and leaves the house most days in either jeans and a smart shirt or maybe trousers and a waiscoat, though his clothes are almost always messy and slightly wrinkled. Personality: Whetsr he has some form of bi polar, a split personality or his mind has just been broken because of his use of the arcane other agents aren't sure. At times Anton has the kind of half-awake charm you might expect from someone who's been lightly drinking. With an easy smile and a larger than life personality people are naturally drawn to him. Other times you'll look into his eyes and they'll e staring past you, almost as if he can't see you. His bottom jaw will absent mindedly open and close with a slow almost hypnotic rythmn. He is entirely unpredictable during these episodes, he might sit and stare unmoving for hours or he might start on a warpath before snapping himself out of it. In this state Anton can't be reasoned with, the assistant director and his friends aren't even sure if he can comprehend language at this point, all thats known is that if Anton enters a room in this state, it feels as if everyone else has taken a step back. Background: Anton joined the syndicate at the age of 22, using it as a means to expand his arcane knowledge. He worked therefor six years and flew through he ranks becoming well-known and well-respected. He seeked a challenge, and peered into the depths of the arcane. Inside he found his Gist, a nightmarish creature made of pure purple and black energy. The Gist has many forms, almost all of which are either inperceivable or incomprehensible. Anton has seen more forms than any other as the beast fused itself to Anton, making hem one inseparable entity. Anton can call upon the power of the Gist in battle but the two have a constant struggle, unfortunately the Gist will one day gain control of Anton, and when it does the syndicate will have to destroy it. Some say when you look into the purple of Antons eyes you can see the Gist staring back at you. Weapon(s): A Smith & Wesson and a Colt, both revolvers designed o stop men and beasts dead in their tracks, carried on two holsters on his torso. He also carries a Hunter's knife on his waist for when bellys need opening. Skills: Unarmed- He fuels his muscles with magic and knows a form of Ju-Jitsu based around grappling and locks. However, this type of martial art is only desined for taking on one assailant leaving Anton vulnerable against multiple enemies in close combant. Operative - Anton has been in many gun fights on the field, he isnt exceptional with guns and is considered an average marksman at the Syndicate but he has encountered enough weapons to know how to use them. Arcane Knowledge - Anton is attracted to Arcane entities and objects. He's even joked before that he can smell them. He has a vast knowledge of arcane objects and creatures and can almost always distinguish between them. Heavy Drinker - Anton can handle his alcohol. Power(s): Gist: The purple and black nightmare can be forced our of Anton through his chest, the mere sight of it would break the mind of a mortal and can traumatise the hardest operative. It can tear through metal and bone like ts nothing, its warped claws will pull a crowd of men to tatters in seconds. Though Anton can only keep it out for a few seconds before he has to pull it back in otherwise he risks the bond breaking and in that situation either the Gist will consume him or it'll break free and they'll both die. When it is unleashed it's form looks like a warped depiction of satan, twisted horns with an demonic face and claws the size of a man's arm. The Gist's torso is connected to Anton with a string like mass of purple that is almost two dimensional to look at. Elemental - Anton can't isk using the Gist in every fight so instead he uses a wide array of elemental magic such as the manipulation of fire or darkness. Incantations - For stronger spells outside of combat Anton can use strong incantations written down in the many books in his library, these can be anything from creating a chicken in thin air to completely paralysing a man. Though each of these have their cost. Psychiclly hypersensitive - Anton is hypersensitive to psychic powers, he can see through illusions and detect when psychic powers are being used. However this also means he is exceptionally vulnerable o psychic effects and will feel the effects much worse than others