[quote=@Wraithblade6] [@Holy Soldier] Let me know what you think. [hider=Mithias] Name: Mithias Varomere Nickname: *glares intently at you* Age: n/a Race: Vampire Height: 6'3" Weight: 170 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Yellow Description: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/d37d26f2f314a23729052a64dc07c3af7e379bad_zpsmpqabsbi.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Eyes] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/1337f42c1c03efff6a95047698d9e85c_zpsxssr58ph.jpg[/img] [/hider] Mithias was found early by the Syndicate, mainly due to the fact that he has some trouble not standing out among average humans. His light skin isn't such a big deal, but his eyes are clearly an unnatural shade. Thus, he has led his vampire life wearing hats and hoods and keeping to dim light, in which most human retinas fail to properly discern color. Usually, his long hair is down and he wears a suit in the office. His face is even and seemingly fixed in a "resting bitch" expression. He looks fairly athletic under that suit. 'claims he used to be a midevil knight. Personality: Mithias was around long enough before a hellhole opened up beneath Baylor, and he doesn't want to see the activities of demons and the like giving his kind a bad name. As far as vampires go, he's friendly toward humans, assuming they don't initially flee in terror, but he has become completely comfortable with feeding on them, even killing them. He's always tried to incorporate some morality in his choices, ie. not feeding on the meek and innocent, but he will not stake his survival. In modern times, there's little reason for him not to drink donated blood, and so he prefers that. He is generally quite, surprised by very little, enjoys nature and for some reason playing the violin. Mithias had stuck around for many generations after his making in order to protect and oversee his own family's descendants. When that family grew too big to follow, he walked away and became more interested in finding others of his kind and promoting justice from the shadows. The Syndicate helps him do that. Background: Mithias has never gone into great detail about his origins. Suffice it to say he was a warrior, religious, and from Old World Germany. He doesn't have any great vampire contacts, but he did once travel through Alaskan werewolf territory during an extreme depression phase and was nearly killed. ...Better not ask him about that time. Mithias is involved with the Syndicate as both an agent and a tactical officer. Usually, he analyses the information gathered by the other agents and stays out of the field during the daylight, but if the situation calls for it, he can personally stalk a target, act as a spy, or attempt a high-risk assassination requiring his vampiric advantages. Weapon(s): Seeing as how small guns won't stop a vampire, or werewolf, or demon, or what have you, Mithias prefers to carry two modern, high tech composite swords at his sides when he is on dangerous missions. Severing a limb and bloodloss are so much more effective if a confrontation cannot be avoided. Along this same vein, he has three, named daggers designed with barbed edges and rivets to promote bleeding. Heartseeker, Blooddrinker, and Soulstealer will quickly wear down stronger enemies. Mithias can shoot, but even for a vampire, he doesn't have the best aim. He is quite proficient with a simple leather whip. Regardless, Mithias prefers a safe, tactical approach and would rather setup tripwires and explosives, or traps involving electric shock, flash grenades, or something for his target to inadvertently walk into. He gained a lot of this training and knowledge while working for the Syndicate. [color=ed1c24]Skills: As mentioned above, tactics, melee combat, leadership, stealth.[/color][color=yellow][b](Put your explanations for the skills in the skills section. If your character deals in more than one weapon and each weapon is different, then you will be using up your skill allowance to make your character proficient in those weapons.)[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]Power(s): Heighted senses, strength/speed, immune to any and all mental manipulation (magic), low level pyrokinesis (magic). [/color][color=yellow][b](This needs detail.)[/b][/color] [/hider] [/quote] I highlighted problem areas in red and made my comments in yellow. Just extra comments, if ever your vampire felt compelled to drink human blood directly from the victim, he would need valid justification. It can be a career-ender/life-ender for vampires.