[hider=Leila Sarlos CS][color=lightseagreen] [b]Name: [/b]Leila Sarlos [b]Nickname: [/b]None so far [b]Age: [/b]20 years [b]Race: [/b]Vampire [b]Height: [/b]5' 7" [b]Weight: [/b]131 lbs [b]Hair Color: [/b]Dark brown [b]Eye Color: [/b] Natural eye color: Deep red ([url=http://static2.hypable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/twilight-red-eyes-bella-2.jpg]Example[/url]) Faked eye color: Dark brown [b]Description[/b] Leila has slightly wavy, gently falling dark brown hair that falls down to her mid-back. She almost never ties it up unless she means business, so it normally drapes around her face. Her face itself is an oval shape, with a rounded nose, arching eyebrows, and narrowed eyes. To try and disguise the fact that she is a vampire, she wears contacts to turn her normally red eyes a dark brown, which is the eyes color she had before changing. But her sharp pointy fangs cannot be disguised, so she tries to avoid opening her mouth too wide when talking with humans. She is tall and slender with well-muscled arms and legs, but not enough muscle to make her stand out like some body builder. Though she is not particularly tall, her broad shoulders and the way she carries herself gives her a powerful aura, especially when she is angry. She has three scar that are normally not seen, a slash on her upper right arm, one on her left thigh, and another on her shoulder. [b]Visual[/b] [img]https://is04.ezphotoshare.com/2016/11/27/KByIhU.jpg[/img] Face Claim is Nina Dobrev [b]Personality[/b] Her face usually found hidden in the depths of some hood, one could definitely use the word brooding, moody, or aloof to describe her. She tries to get away with as little social interaction as possible, preferring to stay in the background and watch rather than participate. You'll usually find her stalking around, eyes narrowed with suspicion, and when she is like that it is best not to try and initiate conversation unless you know how to tread carefully. Why? There are two possible reactions you can get. The first one is no reaction. She'll simply brush you off and not respond, or else give you a few vague words that won't answer your remark or question at all. But the second reaction will show how angry and fiery she can get, and how sarcastic she can be. She'll lash out and scold you, taking out her anger from that day out on you. Only if you are lucky will you get an answer. However, apart from Leila's moody attitude, she is still quite useful and is not afraid of hard work. She is able to get things done efficiently without getting distracted, focusing only and solely on the task at hand. She has a good brain, and she uses it. [b]Background[/b] [u]Childhood[/u] [i]Tears. Empty promises. A new and strange place.[/i] The few memories that Leila has from before she was seven are few, and quickly fading. She remembers only a mother, never did a father make his appearance in her upbringing. Still, Leila remembers smiles, laughs, and happy days spent with her mother. But shortly before her seventh birthday, things started going awry. Her mother receded into herself, kept dropping her off Leila for daycare even on the weekends for the entire day. Started acting sadder, moving slower. When Leila's seventh birthday came round, her mother tried to make it happy, but there was a cloud hanging over everything. Leila forgets when exactly, but sometime later that year her mother came into her room to talk. She told Leila that she had something called "cancer", and that she had it bad. Her mother talked about how much she loved Leila, and how she would never forget her. A week later, the two of them stood in front of a closed door. The door to an orphanage. While everything else was unclear, Leila understood one thing. That she was being abandoned. Tears ran down both of their cheeks as mother and daughter said goodbye. Her mothers last parting words were, "I'll come one day and visit you, I promise! Remember that I love you, don't ever forget that." Weeks passed without a word from her mother, and Leila slowly adjusted. But she never quite stopped peering out the window during lessons, hoping to see a car pulling up or for a special figure to be walking up the drive. Life went on, as it always did. Things got better, but then they got worse once more. When she was ten news came, but it wasn't good news. Her mother had died of cancer. Now older, Leila understood what the dreadful thing called "cancer" was, and she was devastated. Her devastation however, was shown not in tears or in tantrums, but in a lack of tears. A lack of emotion. A lack of smiles. But life went on. [u]Teen years[/u] Her 13th birthday came around. She was still reserved and would never forget the day the news came, but she functioned. There were times when she would break out laughing at a joke, but there were still times when she would lay in bed at night and cry. Then, the time of first love rolled around when she was 16 and attending a high school. An outgoing boy named Lucas with mussed up hair, striking green eyes, and a humor that rivaled many. After a little while, they spent more and more time together, and Lucas brought one of his friends Liam (though he was 3 years older) to introduce to Leila as well. Leila, Lucas, and Liam became great friends. At 17, it was time for the two lovers to learn how to drive. Liam, having already gotten his drivers license, was old enough to qualify as a supervisor for the two while they learned. One evening while the sun set, the three of them went out for a practice drive with Lucas at the wheel. Just after the sun had set and it was getting dark, an accident occurred. A driver misjudged the time that it would take to turn left out of a parking complex, and the driver thinking he had enough time, took the turn cautiously and slowly. At the same time, the trio were heading down the road towards the turning car, and unable to stop in time, collided. It was a messy crash, with Leila being heavily wounded and Lucas even more so. That night, a secret was also revealed. What was it? Well, Liam turned out to be, uh, a vampire. He was the only one who had remained conscious, and though he had been wounded as well, his regeneration took care of the more severe wounds. Under the cover of darkness, he attempted to heal his comrades. He turned towards Lucas to heal first since he was the worse off of the two, but was unable to fully heal an extremely severe wound that was bleeding heavily. Having done what he could he went on to Leila, and succeeded in healing her sufficiently. By then he was exhausted and let the ambulance transport Leila and Lucas to the hospital. Leila survived. Lucas didn't. He had lost too much blood, and died just before reaching the hospital. Once Leila was released from the hospital Liam met up with her and introduced her to The Syndicate, where she learned to control and use her vampire powers. [u]Adult years[/u] At last, she turned 18 and was now free from adult supervision, no longer needing a guardian. After an invitation, she joined The Syndicate as an agent. [b]Weapon[/b] She normally keeps around four or even five (depending on the situation and her mood) throwing knives on her that she is pretty proficient with. [b]Skills[/b] -She keeps a steady head. As seen in her personality, Leila is moody and doesn't hesitate to lash out at others. But if the situation is a serious one, she knows how to stay calm and think things through thoroughly. -Fitting and blending in. This skill comes in handy a lot, being supernatural. She has learned how to blend into her surroundings and not stand out like a sore thumb, while still keeping alert and watching the area around her. -Remembrance. Though she does not have a photographic memory, she still has an excellent knack for remembering things... if she feels like it. -Lip-reading. This is her one quirk, something that she taught herself to do for fun when she was young. So if you don't want her to know what you are saying, remember to cover your mouth. [b]Powers[/b] -A "Normal" vampire skill set. Things that fall under this category are enhanced senses, reflexes, speed, and self-healing. -Transformation. This doesn't mean that she can transform into anything she wants, only into a bat. A vampire bat, to be specific. However, while in this form she cannot use any other powers, meaning that her enhanced senses, reflexes, etc are lost. -Healing abilities. By expending a lot of energy, Leila is able to heal the wounds of other people if she chooses. But there's a catch. She has to drink some of the blood of the person she is about to heal. This forms a kind of temporary connection that she is able to use to heal that person. The person will be healed, but it's not perfect. They will not be back to 100% due to blood loss from the healing process, and Leila herself will be fatigued. Because of this, she is hesitant to use it. -Wall-climbing. She is able to climb up surfaces that are even perpendicular to the ground without any ropes or equipment. However, she cannot walk upside down. [/color][/hider] Since we haven't rped with each other before, let me know if you need an rp sample or something. [@Holy Soldier]