[i]"Stumble in the dark, and hope that you do not catch my notice."[/i] [b]Name[/b]: Unknown [b]Alias[/b]: The Muted Man [b]Age[/b]: Unknown, although NCR intelligence believes his age to be between 35-50. [b]Looks[/b]: No one has seen his face, although he has been seen in a black longcoat and a fully covered raider helmet. It is believed that he is in possession of a prototype suit of X-01 power Armour. It is also believed that he roams New Vegas in regular gambler clothing. [b]Personality[/b]: He is usually willing to let the people under him go about their lives in peace, but if anyone attempts to threaten him or Mr House, he is absolutely without mercy. He has planned multiple terrorist attacks against legion and NCR targets and has had multiple high ranking officers of both sides assassinated if they ever get too close to him. It has got to the point where the NCR intelligence service has put a bounty of half a million caps on his head, with a bonus of two hundred thousand if brought in alive. Very few hunters even think about hunting him, and those that do are given gruesome deaths to discourage others. A common rumor in the Mojave is that when the muted man speaks, people are going to die. He does not believe in risking himself, and if forced into a fight, will use the most powerful weaponry and Armour that he has at his disposal. [b]Faction[/b]: Mr House S.P.E.C.I.A.L= Strength: ? Perception: ? Endurance: ? Charisma: ? Intelligence: ? Agility: ? Luck: ? [b]Backstory[/b]: No one, save possibly Mr House himself know where the muted man came from, only that he changed the order of New Vegas almost overnight. A meeting was called with the members of the families. He, speaking from a securitron, made it clear that Mr House was in full control of Vegas and would not take any insubordination lightly. The head of the Omertas was found dead a week later, and his...weaker second in command was given control. Since then, the families were completely compliant, until Benny's little adventure. Everyone, NCR, legion, or even those who seek independence know that taking Vegas would be almost impossible with the muted man alive. The NCR has entertained notions of this, ranging from bounty hunters to a full scale military assault on the lucky 38. [b]Weapon choice[/b]: The only weapon it is believed he carries, is a .45 pistol. With his armor, it is likely that he uses heavier weapons. [b]Perks[/b]: Unknown [b]'Tagged' Skills[/b]: Unknown [b]'Weak' Skills[/b]: Unknown