Howdy all, pretty damn new to this board, and the forum, for that matter. Is it cool if I throw my guy in the mix for a bit? Need a bit of a warm-up/practice round with him, and also would love to get a good feel for what goes on here. Thanks! [hider=Gwevyl the Hooch] "Oi! Be a true laddy an' fetch me un' more a dem hard hitters!" Short, stocky, and quite the protruding gut, even for Dwarven standards, with short braids that poke out form his heirloom iron helm and a great, flowing red beard that reached to the end of his chainmail shirt, with stained leather pants and gloves from either blood or booze. Age: 76 years young Gender: Male Occupation: Sellsword, currently. Wealth: Average Skills: Wields a massive axe and mace with both hands in combat, and has the stamina to withstand the wear and tear of combat for almost several days at a time. Personality: Always in the mood to drink like a fish or smash a few skulls, Gwevyl loves the midst of combat and wouldn't know what to do with himself otherwise - unless, of course, he's in a tavern somewhere, drinking up anything that could have the potential of getting him drunk. You can always find him if in need of some comic relief, or if you need a couple of cave trolls slain. Biography: Born and raised deep in the mountains of the east, trained to fight when he was still a boy and learned to drink like a fish when he found his first mead bottle, Gwevyl was the epitome of the Dwarven warriors the human peasants in the lowlands heard about. He spent most of his youth aiding his father with crushing any goblins that were able to slink into their food supplies or gnabbed a coin from their mountains of gold. He soon grew tired of this life, however, hearing of the conquests that Men made far to the north, and quickly set forth to great cities to sell his blunt and blade to any caravans or armies that needed a true Dwarven battlemaster. It wouldn't be long after he was done adventuring that he would come stumbling into a tavern in a small settlement, drinking up all the booze and exciting the local patrons with great song and spirits that he learned deep in his rocky native lands. Likes: When his belly is full of liquor and when his axe and mace are breaking open a goblin's skull. Dislikes: Being sober; when his axe isn't sharp; and seeing a living goblin. Fears: The undead, or ghouls of similar likeness. Weaknesses: His short and fat stature makes him slow and stiff, but he makes up for it with his brute ferocity in the field of battle. [/hider]