[center][h2]Avienus Magnus Cassius[/h2][/center] With smooth steps Avi slid past several adventurers milling in front of the Guard headquarters. Much of the crowd was still chattering but he was fairly confident he could find someone to point him in the right direction. Scavenger and man hunts were right up his alley since there was little in Aquaria that remained hidden for long when someone was paying him to find it. Stepping out of the way of some law enforcement functionaries he quirked an eyebrow and bit into an apple he’d been polishing on the blue half cloak wrapped around his upper body. Now where to go...maybe one of the guards higher ups. Tapping the deck on his left hip and then patting down the pouch on his left hip he made sure that his Writ of Service for the Circle of Waves. Not one of the premier guilds of Aquaria but it was legitimacy he needed to operate as a Seer. Stepping out of the general flow of traffic Avi continued working on the apple as he scanned the crowd. Thumbing his deck of cards the Seer plucked one of them. The Queen of Thunder. [i]How highly appropriate.[/i] Scanning the crowd he tucked the card with a flick of his wrist. Absentmindedly he flicked it back and forth between his hands behind his back and he held the apple in his mouth scanning the crowd. With a final flick he removed the apple from his mouth and caught the card in his right hand. Pressing with his will Avi drew on his air magic and felt the card tug him across the room. Scanning again Avi began his winding path through the crowd towards a blonde woman. [i]Ezm[/i] With a flick of the Tarot in his right hand Avi drew on his air magic and his perspective on the room slithered forward and took on a new angle so that he could see the patch on her shoulder. [i]Lieutenant, close enough I guess. In fact I guess I should know better in this city. I’m amazed the Tarot even has a King.[/i] With a few more quick bites Avienus consumed the rest of the apple including most of the core. It was a strange habit from his time on board the Green Damsel; it was largely due to the fact that fresh fruit was a precious commodity. With a flick of his hand Avi turned the last of the stem into fine particulate with a compression and contraction of air. A neat trick if nothing else. Manipulating the sweat and fine layer of juice on his hand he flicked gently and it dispersed into the air. Best to make it a decent first impression. As he took his last few steps towards her Avi flicked the Tarot back to his left hand and spun it on the tip of his finger. Time slowed for the young man as he whispered to himself. [i]'arini furue[/i] Avienus eyes widened in surprise as the winds of fate unfolded in front of him. The currents of the world unraveled and appeared to hold steady for a long moment as he approached the Lieutenant. [i]Oh geez, she’s a fire mage. Please don’t slap me[/i] The slow moment ended and Avi blinked a few times praying that of the many bad endings to this particular moment he’d hit on one of the decent ones he’d spotted. No time to sit down and consult his cards. “Hello, Miss-” Avi cut himself off. “I’m so sorry excuse my poor manners; Lieutenant I just saw the badge. No disrespect meant.” He was faking it but telling someone you already knew a decent amount about what was about to happen in the near future usually ended poorly. That and telling women you had been checking them out with magic also tended to end spectacularly bad. “I have this.” Avi held up the notice from the guild board outside the Circle of Waves guild house. “And I was hoping you could help me; I was interested in taking the contract. Are you the one I should be talking with? Or should I be headed someplace else.” Avi did his best to maintain a look of blissful innocence and ignorance. [i]Please, Please, Please don’t slap me...or burn me.[/i] [@KoL]