Vienna held back her surprise with a short gasp when the room filled with immense psychic energy, feeling the shuddering waves warping around the throne before he even signaled his arrival. It was an aura she had never before felt, crippling yet soft and warm. Truly, even though they called her a prodigy, she was like a meager candle held against a raging bonfire. She could only appreciate this fact with a slight nod of her head and a faint smile. To serve, to have purpose meant more to her than anything. When He finally appeared physically, in a flash of brilliant light, she was forced to go 'blind', as to prevent her senses from getting overwhelmed by the sheer power. The young Savantus was almost at a loss, and normally she would be, but Vienna had been prepared for this encounter for a long time now. Doing what she had rehearsed for hours into the mirror the night prior, she immediately dropped onto her knees and bowed, her body laying across the ground in a look of humility. "Hail, the great protector, the Immortal Emperor. With every ounce of my body and soul can offer, may our people prosper under your reign, my god and king." she called, word for word, what they had taught her to say.