So before I make the sheets, I was wanting a few people's thoughts on the powers they would have. I want both to start off weak and over time develop their power. [hider=Almanac, Aka 4 ] Powers: All Elementalist As the name suggests he has access to all elements in magic. The power of the magic is extremely low unless he focuses powers by using key words to shift gears and levels of power. [hider=Power focuses] [hider=Neutral] His natural state and where he can use all magic. The level of magic he can use is terrible. An example would be the ability to make fire the same size as one made by a large lighter. [/hider] [hider=North] Magic available: Dark and ice Dark= ability to manipulate shadows, make shadows tangible, darken areas. Ice= Make ice, lower temperatures, freeze stuff. [/hider] [hider=South] Magic available: Light and Earth Light= Manipulate light, brighten areas. Earth= Manipulate minerals, make minerals. [/hider] [hider=East] Magic available: Wind and fire Wind= Ability to manipulate air, ability to make air Fire= Ability to make fire, can manipulate fire [/hider] [hider=West] Magic Available: Water and Electricity Water: Make water, manipulate water Electricity: Able to manipulate electricity, make electricity [/hider] [hider=Center] Space= Ability to sense area around him. Ability to move objects. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Levels of ability, 3 available to start] [hider=Phase 1] Power is slightly amplified. [instead of lighter sized fire, is able to make golf ball sized fire and can send it out 5 feet] [/hider] [hider=Phase 2] Power is more amplified. [Baseball sized fireball, send out to 7 feet] [/hider] [hider=Phase 3] Amplified again. [football sized fireball, send out to 13 feet] [/hider] [/hider] Drawbacks apply after phase 2 and gets worse on phase 3. The longer he uses powers, the worse the effects are. If phase 2 or 3 is activated in neutral state, all drawbacks apply. [hider=drawbacks] Water= Feels nauseous Fire= Light burns on arms Ice= getting close to first stages of frostbite on arms Life= Tires him out faster than other abilities Dark and Light= causes his vision to start to go out. Thunder= numb sensation in fingers Wind= ringing in ears [like after an explosion] Earth= hands get dry Space= He kind of has to regain his consciousness for about half a minute before able to do anything. [/hider] [/hider] Steven has less complex power. [hider=Steven] Powers: Gears The ability to spawn and control gears of various minerals. Most are stone and the biggest he can make is about 6 inches wide by 1 inch. [/hider]