[center][color=orangered][h1]Kreiss Stahl[/h1][/color][/center] Kreiss whistled as he trudged along the road at a merry pace. The breeze felt pretty good this time of year, but he couldn't feel it all too well in his armor. Maybe he'd take a day off soon just to take a stroll around the city for once. Even though he'd been here most of his life, and he'd been around the whole place a few times already, he still couldn't say he knew it awfully well. He remembered where the armor and general stores were because those were the places he went to the most. "....uggghhhh..." The adventurer draped over his shoulder groaned as he struggled to raise his head. "...This isn't the hospital...?" [b][color=orangered]"Yeah, sorry, I don't know where the hospital is. I don't go there too often."[/color][/b] Kreiss replied. The adventurer's head sank back down again, unconscious again. The adventurer was someone from an assembled party he had just left. They'd been doing a job nearby when the adventurer had accidentally fallen into the trajectory of Kreiss' full strength shielded charge, right at the end of their mission. Since Kreiss had been the one to foul him, he'd volunteered to take him since he felt bad. Even though he didn't quite know where the hospital was, he'd find it eventually. Suddenly he looked up and noticed that there was a big crowd nearby. He squinted at the building they were in front of, trying to figure out discerning features. [b][color=orangered]"Hey, it's Guard HQ, wonder what all the fuss is about."[/color][/b] He said, dropping the adventurer. The adventurer made some sound as he went down, but Kreiss would get back to him later. He had a bag on him right now because even though his recent venture had been close to the city, they'd needed to do the task overnight, into the next day and he'd been carrying some supplies. Nearby the HQ, there was a bulletin board which a lot of civilians were looking at to see what the fuss was. He walked over to the board, pushing through people as he went and directed his gaze over to the notice that everyone else seemed to be crowding around. [b][color=orangered]"Missing people... mysterious circumstances... eh, not bad, not bad."[/color][/b] Despite appearances, he liked doing mystery jobs like these sometimes. Not because he enjoyed figuring out the mystery or anything, but because there usually something that needed a beatdown in the end. From the sounds of things this one sounded pretty clean cut as well, dark silhouettes meant there was something tangible. Something you could hit with a shield. He shoved his way through the crowd again, thundering down the street towards the HQ, to sign up for the job. [b][color=orangered]"Hey!"[/color][/b] He said, thundering through the crowd and waving towards a man who seemed to know what he was doing. [b][color=orangered]"I want to sign up for the mission too!"[/color][/b] [hr] [@KoL][@Themerlinhawk]