[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Alex_zpsf9ry2gng.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=007236][i][b] Alex North[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] [color=007236]"Werent they from your pack?" [/color]He asked pulling her closer into his arms. His eyes went to the tree line and he scoured the line visually looking for more of these wolves. He would kill them gladly. He wondered if these were from the same pack that had led to Kitty getting killed. [color=007236]"Come on, let's get you into the house."[/color] Alex put her into the car and drove back to the house and took her inside. Shade was on the couch with the girl laying beside him still out cold. He was watching tv. [color=0054a6]"I thought you were going to the bar? I guess the Mrs. sidetracked you huh?"[/color] He grinned knowingly. [color=007236]"She was being followed by wolves who wanted to kill us."[/color] Shade stood up and his face hardened. He gritted his teeth and he ran outside through the screendoor at high speed. Hitting the door at that speed broke the locking mechanism and Alex shook his head. [color=007236]"I told you."[/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/d037451871d3fd370ac9e8bfbff57de8_zpsv4j5lnqn.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][i] [color=f6989d]Casey Green-Werewolf [/color][/i][/h1][/center] [color=f6989d]"No, I'm not letting you throw me aside like I don't matter. I may not be perfect but I'm here and I ...whoa" [/color]Casey examined her feelings for Darric and when she realized how strong they were she was completely shocked. How could she love him so fast and so deeply? Was it the raging hormones from changing species? It didn't feel like it. Casey looked up at him and asked him. [color=f6989d]"This is going to sound stupid because we only met a few hours ago but...I love you and I'm not leaving you no matter what you do."[/color] [@kyrisse]