[center] [h1][color=9e005d]Stehrr[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/25cf4f813636cca34507de417b225ede/tumblr_o3zk89BU681qjl1wro2_500.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] Anchor head Spaceport, Bay D3 [hr] It wasn't Luke that answered the Wookiee's question first, but rather Sutton who was already backing towards the bay where they had left the ship after whistling sharply to her other crewmates. Stehrr growled angrily again, he was always the last one to want to back down from a fight, but Sutton was the ship's second-in-command and she had far more combat experience than he did. So as much as he would have liked to keep blasting these stormtroopers into oblivion, Stehrr was forced to acknowledge that retreating was....probably a wise choice. As the stormtrooper fire seemed to lessen some, Stehrr stomped after his friends as they began to retreat though he was careful to remain facing their enemies and keep his weapon at the ready so he could help Sutton provide cover fire for the Senator and Kayala who seemed to be carrying the strange-acting female from before. Stehrr wasn't sure about that. The woman was...scary, to say the least. Luke had referred to her as a 'crazy ex' (he wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but he didn't need to ask any more), but that didn't make her behaviour any less unsettling for the Wookiee. His small eyes glowered at Jaina, who still hung limply over Kayala's shoulder like a ragdoll. [b][color=9e005d]"《Why we must bring strange human female with us?》"[/color][/b] he asked, looking between Luke and Sutton expectantly as he waited for one of them to explain. As Morgbra sprinted after them, medical bag waving through the air, the Wookiee only became a little more agitated. He roared out loud as if to express this anger, though he didn't take aim at Morgbra; he was smart enough to know a medic's symbol when he saw one...though why he wanted to follow them with the prisoner they had taken was a mystery to Stehrr. [b][color=9e005d]"《See? They all follow us, to take back strange female! Why not leave her?》"[/color][/b] [hr] [hr] [h1] [color=8493ca]Denali Keesda[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2cec8a9b2e5c89c25c096c2cc41c7134/tumblr_n86t0aFu3N1rt9t65o6_250.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] [hr] The Raven, medbay [hr] Denali quickly scrambled to change his scrubs and get everything ready and situated as Kayala's voice spoke firmly into the comm. [b][color=ebc79e]"Taking this one to the ship,"[/color][/b] her use of 'this one' rather than anyone's name in particular led him to believe that they had somehow landed up with a prisoner of some description, but he had to make sure. [b][color=8493ca]"What's the situation, Kayala?"[/color][/b] he asked the Face as he worked. [b][color=8493ca]"Not to sound like a mother hen, but from this end of the channel it sounds like you were caught in a complete shitstorm out there. What happened and who the hell are you dragging back with you?"[/color][/b] [/center]