[@malmshodes] [Hider=Malthael Marcus Levi][center] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35900000/-SnK-Levi-shingeki-no-kyojin-attack-on-titan-35907579-360-500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i]Save your introductions, I don't care[/i][/h3][/center] [center] [i]Name:[/i] Malthael Marcus Levi [i]Alias:[/i] Humming Bird [i]Appearance:[/i] He stands somewhere around 5'9" - 5'10". His usual attire is shown in the picture but underneath is what causes some to cringe. Upon his body are dozens and dozens of scars. Many from swords with a few gunshot wounds for an added touch but the two most prominent are the massive scar that runs from his right collar down to the left side of his waist and the other over his right metallic eye. In fact, he has managed to make that metallic eye useful. With the smallest of cog wheels, clockwork and a few other things, he made his own bionic eye. The red shirt is a reminder of where he came from. The Wings of freedom on both the back of the shirt and the sleeve are tribute to his father's vessel, Lens Mira [i]Age:[/i] 28 [i]Position on the Ship: [/i] Shipwright [i]Personality:[/i] To those who don't know him he is very calm almost borderline lazy, at least at a glance. But quite the opposite. Usually behind that lackadaisical look he is focused, brainstorming new ideas for inventions to not only better himself but the crew as well, or eyeing up his opponent, or quite possibly undressing the women around him (a closet perv so-to-speak). He is easy going in communications, able to look passed the attitudes of people in order to better understand them. It is when combat arises that people can see his tactical and technical side. He prefers to keep things short, sweet and to the point in those situations, finding most who prefer introductions to be quite annoying. Outside of the battlefield, he takes pride in his inventions and swordplay, finding those who don't appreciate the time and effort in what he makes annoying and ungrateful. [i]Background:[/i] He is a wanted criminal, at least deemed so by the Marines back when he sailed under his father, Captain Levi Barbosa of the Lens Mira, a large yet fast battleship who flies the [url=http://img06.deviantart.net/3eb3/i/2013/209/b/6/__wings_of_freedom____shingeki_no_kyojin_by_snakestorm44-d6fj4ff.jpg]Wings of Freedom[/url]. No one has heard much about this ship as of late, seemingly it would appear it has become nothing more than a ghost ship. The marines have managed to create a wanted poster of Marcus when he ran under the moniker, [url=http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/9366dcec6a9062d54b086a46a1d2691f1386709174_full.jpg]Leviathan.[/url] [i]Weapons/ Items:[/i] [url=http://cdn.instructables.com/FMM/ND0B/HO7XCAWB/FMMND0BHO7XCAWB.MEDIUM.jpg]Tempest MkV[/url]: This piece of engineering is one of Marcus' first inventions. Allowing the ability of quick maneuvering, high velocity turns both on the ground and in the air, it is quite the versatile weapon contraption. In its chambers holds 10 detachable hand forged blades. [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/34bd/f/2010/120/a/e/steampunk_eye_i_by_kirkh.jpg]Third Eye[/url]: It technically fits its name considering he is technically missing an eye thanks to a large blade. This was his second creation and his second most prize possession. It is designed in a way that it assists him in his high speed maneuvering by way of high shutter speed. He has other smaller things like smoke grenades and wrist blades but doesn't usually need them, not to imply he does not keep them on his person just in case. [i]Abilities:[/i] Skilled Swordsman: As well as inventing at such a young age, he was trained in swordsman ship at a young age, and soon enough dual weapon later on. Inventor: Inventing since he was 5, he has created many things that he uses on the ship and off the ship, most of the tools he has created has been to benefit the ships hull and integrity but he is not limited to just defensive and technical inventions. Situational awareness: He has been fighting since he was young and in many situations in many different environments so it is of no surprise he is quick thinking when it comes to combat or tense situations. Reflexes: Due to the nature of his sword technique, the ability to react quick enough for the turns and sudden changes of position is dire. With time, he has acquired this necessary trait in order to use his equipment effectively. [i]Techniques:[/i] Tempest Blade Dance: This is his primary fighting style, relying on his maneuver gear to zip around opponents Buzzsaw: This Technique at first requires height, momentum and rotation. Height is key, he must be high enough in order to begin building up the high speed rotations and on the descent down, if his revolutions exceed the needed amount and the momentum was consistent, when he lands he will take off in the direction he was aiming with his blades leading the way. He can turn in this technique by simply leaning in the direction he wants to go. Cyclone: This is similar to the buzzsaw technique but in a more horizontal path. Planting his anchoring mechanisms in the ground or in a structure behind his opponent, he quickly reels himself in while at the same time propelling himself forward. he releases one of the anchors, allowing him to twist to the side, his canister expels built up gas in the other direction, allowing him to begin his spin. [i]Other:[/i] He is a drinker and a smoker. When not working on the ship or his inventions, he stands near the bow of the boat, overlooking the sea and its natural beauty. [/center][/hider]