A One Piece RP that's neat. I want to be part of this, so here is my character down in the hider. [hider=Calder Graham]Name: Calder Graham, Alias: N/A Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/42677eccbd8e6e01b35231fcb1dc1939/tumblr_mk1554fVZf1s5jurlo2_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 26 Position on the Ship: Musician/Bard Personality: . Calder is a very talkative person making jokes even at the most serious of times. He loves to tell stories whether they are true or not. Calder is also very cocky and arrogant at the best of times. Everything is like a game to him and he makes his own forms of entertainment. The only times he isn't cocky, is when someone either angers him or someone dies that he was close with. Background: Calder grew up in a remote little village as a poor little street urchin. He fought tooth and nail just to survive. Learning the art of music, when he started it was with a banjo. Playing for money he got pretty good at it. Calder left his village in search of seeing if he could make more money playing for more populated towns. As his skill increased, so did what people paid him. One day he played for a bunch of marines in a tavern known as the Drunken Tavern who paid him but they were short one cash. They had intended on short changing Calder and he would have none of it. So Calder broke into their ship late at night, and stole a few things one being a special Guitar. The Guitar sort of called out to Calder the moment he saw it as if it was destiny for him to have it. The moment he stole it, and got off the ship, the marines were going nuts and he ran. Calder has been under a small bounty ever since, the marines had a prototype weapon stolen. Calder ended up joining a pirate crew to keep out of the marine's clutches. Weapons/ Items: A Guitar that has a storm devil fruit in it. That fires off balls of thunder clouds and other storm like stuff. The Guitar has two forms a normal looking guitar and Devil Fruit Form. It only works in devil fruit, and transforms on command of the wielder. [hider=Guitar in Devil Fruit form] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/a/a3/DA_Nevan.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130220035201[/img] [/hider] Other gear he has, Carver has a bag of dials. Three breathe dials, one flame dial, a recording dial, and an impact dial. Calder collects dials all when ever he sees one. He is in constant search for a specific dial, he wants a reject dial. Abilities: Calder has a few abilities, that go along with his natural ability to play a special guitar.. He plays it when it is in devil fruit form. Techniques: Power Cord- The ability sends out a small cloud ball of thunder Power Concert- A barrage of cloud balls of thunder. Other: N/A[/hider]