"Bother" frowned Elnariel, scanning the crowd in front of him. He had hoped that perhaps there would not be as much interest as this. It may be difficult to even find where he was supposed to go. "Bother." He said again. He had, of course, known of the so-called 'disappearances' for some time, as he kept a particularly close tabs on all the major market places. At the time, he had dismissed it as nothing of interest, likely some drunks being murdered some place...but the old city? Why take someone there? The answer was obvious in that they probably didn't want to be seen...but [i]why[/i]? Of course, the bigger question was why he hadn't known until it was posted on the bulletin board. He would have to have a word with his local informants. He strode forwards towards the crowd, ebony cane clicking on the cobbles. A few people gave him strange looks at his choice of attire, but Elnariel didn't overly mind their gawking. Which, by the way, he thought to be very rude. Scanning the crowd, he made sure that the various other informants were in position. He wasn't expecting a fight, it was more of a habit. Threats didn't make you very many friends, and he reasoned that death would dramatically impede his research. Thus, he took precautions. With luck, his informants would warn him of trouble before it arrived. After a period spent wondering if any of the idiots milling around actually had any idea where to go, Elnariel decided that the only one appearing to take a pro-active course of action was a strange, raggedy looking man with a deck of cards. A chronic gambler, no doubt, but if he were to discover something Elnariel didn't know, he might as well keep close. He did have a certain interest in gamblers anyhow, the way in which they could read the odds was quite remarkable. Elnariel was willing to take any risk that he was.