[@WeepingHollows][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Amithea] The goopy ghoul gave a great tug with its gargantuan arms and with a scrape and a crumble, the dapper blade looked on with eye wide open as it clattered to the floor from the sheet weight of the thing. The vibrations of the blade hitting the floor set the giant on the other side of the room to struggling again. [color=6ecff6]"Steady on, my good man! You're bloody lucky my blade won't chip! Oh, the choice words I would have for you!"[/color] The blade's voice echoed into the chamber as the ghost hoisted it away, strength faltering slightly, and swung it at the tie that bound the monstrous man trapped on the room. The giant managed to get its arm free, and swung it in a violent arc to snatch the blade from the ghosts viscous-looking fingers. He hacked and he wrenched and he pried with such fervor that one would think he was trying to dig his way out. [color=6ecff6]"I know, old boy, I know. Just do lighten up on the iron grip!"[/color] A moment of struggle later and the monster of a man was free, hoisting the blade up to his massive shoulder as it took a half-lidded gaze around at its company. The giant growled as his chest heaved with the effort, seeming to be calming down. [color=6ecff6]"Now that the big lad is free and I'm not hilt-deep in that blasted wall anymore, I see that formalities are in order."[/color] The large man pounded his chest with a great stonelike fist. [color=6ecff6]"This is G. Single letter. He can't hear you but that's his name."[/color] After a moment, G got on one knee and laid the blade out in his hands as if presenting it to a superior. [color=6ecff6]"And I am Davidius Redmond Springer. You may call me Dave."[/color] G bowed his head as Dave closed his eye as they faced the others. [color=6ecff6]"We are forever in your debt."[/color]