[i]....wouldn't take on this task alone if I were you. We have reports of increase activity of beasts on some areas of the Old City. Better be prepare than become one more report for I to review....[/i] Just catching the important part of the conversation, Elnariel hurried in the man's direction. At last, here was a young man with a presence of mind that seemed to exceed the vast majority of dolts that surrounded him. Of course, he seemed to always be surrounded by dolts these days. Perhaps his expectations had been lowered. Never the less, as highly capable as he was, Elnariel would need someone to watch his back as he took notes. He withdrew the small book that he was currently reading, and began to flick to the end of his notes. So many blank pages, yet to be annotated. He flipped back to the cover, '[i]Architecture of the Old City, Why it Just Won't Last[/i]'. It appeared to have been written quite some time ago, by a man whom he believed at the time would have been called a radical eccentric. No one knew just how right he would prove. However, by cross referencing the descriptions in the book with the architecture that he will see before him, Elnariel believes that he could craft an accurate map of the old city. A vital asset, and something that people would pay dearly for. This adventure gave him the perfect excuse to gather companions. Tapping the man on the shoulder, he prepared to be greeted with the rough, barbaric dialect of the common adventurer. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help hearing your earlier conversation. Luckily for you," He told the man, "I am willing to accompany you into the old city, now, now," He held up a hand to stall any argument, "I will have you know that I am one of the foremost minds regarding the old city, or most anything really, and you would certainly benefit from my presence. So come, let us find perhaps a few other companions. I'm sure you're....rugged...charm will win some further assistance. But wait, where are my manners. I am Elnariel, Keeper of the Grand Library. You are?"