[b]INQUISITOR FIREFLY, NPC[/b] [hider=Inquisitor Firefly] Name: Inquisitor Lionadis, aka Firefly Age: 28 Looks: [hider=picture] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/f6b0/i/2016/030/7/0/1920s_pyro_by_ramida_r-d535cn5.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Inquisitor Firefly is a mission oriented man, who aside from spreading Caesar’s glory and advancing the Legion, is obsessed with the eradication of anything in the Mojave that’s not human, excluding animal and larger predators such as Deathclaws. Mutants and abominations are his main targets in his quest to purge and cleanse the desert, if not the country. He is a man of few words, preferring not to mince words unnecessarily. He treats all in the legion as equals, not caring for gender or anything else of the likes. He sees individuals and people as units of an army or on their merits. He doesn’t care what you are: black, white, Hispanic, male or female; just as long you fulfill your role, serve your purpose and contribute to the expansion of the Legion and are loyal to Caesar. He is more concerned with the removal of abominations and non-humans than playing cowboys and Indians with the NCR. Though he won’t disobey a direct, but if mutants or other non-humans arrive in the middle of his objective he has been known to stop what he’s doing and try to remove the mutant threat. He is often accompanied by the scent of fuel, smoke and charred flesh. Faction: Cesar’s Legion S.P.E.C.I.A.L= (45 Points spread wisely. Cannot go over 10 on any one stat) Strength: 7 Perception: 10 Endurance: 7 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 6 Luck: 2 Backstory Weapon choice= Shiskabab, Flamer, Big Boomer (Dragon’s Breath rounds) Perks (Add only three): Pyromaniac, Unstoppable Force, Purifier 'Tagged' Skills (the skills you are strongest in; add only three): Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Repair, Science, Sneak 'Weak' Skills (the skills you are weakest in): Unarmed, Medicine, Lockpick Any other info not included in the above= [/hider]