So the vase was out as a [i]likely[/i] avenue to enabling its own theft, but criminals were nothing if not ingenious in trying to cover their tracks. The only way to completely rule out that it was involved would be overwhelming evidence for something else--as the apparent library infiltration acted as a start towards--or to recover the item itself and compare its actual capabilities against the scene of the crime. The girl that came traipsing in... wore an outfit that, though reminiscent somewhat of the mansion's own styling, was undoubtedly not conventional. It was actually quite nice, though Ryuuko would rather have someone older wearing it. "I am Miura Ryuuko, heir to the family," the purple haired samurai stated, rising and bowing. There was no question to her mind that [i]which[/i] family she meant should be apparent: she was fairly secure in the knowledge that they were the only notable magical family bearing the name... along with other methods to be known, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."