[center][h1][color=a0410d]Gotham City, New Jersey[/color][/h1][/center] [@Almosegosum] Khnemu tilted his head at the mention of the beast being tamed, he couldn't imagine why it had been digging up the earth if they wanted to build up, but then of course, he had never been a laborer. The word "slavery" also confused Khnemu, yes, Thoth had taught him the word and its meaning, but that didn't mean Khnemu understood the meaning. Ownership of another human? Preposterous! The servants were all of Egypt, why would they have to be treated like horses? Khnemu walked up close to the man and examined him from about and inch away from his face. [color=Blanchedalmond]"That beast was poisoning your air, sorcerer,"[/color] He said, smirking under his mask. It was quite obvious the man was a sorcerer, judging by his sudden appearance and lack of fear at his actions. The man's reaction would still be enjoyable to watch. [color=Blanchedalmond]"I have come to this city as it is one of the last places I haven't been. I awoke ten days ago and for those ten days I have wandered the land, searching for threats to this land that I swore to protect so long ago. My name is unnecessary, but I have been called the Desert Beast by those who discovered me.[/color] He had yet to figure out what empires still existed in this world, he had been more focused on the earth and what had dwelled on it since his absence. As the man had been the first he had sustained a conversation with, he decided to ask. [color=Blanchedalmond]"Tell me, sorcerer, does the grand kingdom of Egypt still stand as the gods willed it? Do the pharaohs still rule as divine kings over men? And if they are gone, who stands in their place?"[/color]