[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4Ljk1MTM0NS5UV0Y1WVNCUEowSmxhWEp1WlEsLC4wAAA,/floating-tin-can.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] The only thing that kept Maya company in her cell was an old wire bed with an [i]absolutely shredded[/i] mattress - the staff never bothered to give her a new once, not since the last 5 times she ate her mattress. She never slept on it anyway, she preferred her little corner in the demolished room. The place where she sat was the [i]only[/i] place in the room that wasn't covered in blood, bite marks, or scratch marks. There was also a fingernail stuck in the wall beside the vent above her door when she'd tried to rip it off to escape. Maya, evidently, wasn't that bright. Well, she used to be at least average, but apparently her insatiable need to eat strange things made her eat her intelligence and personality. Now, she was just a tiny ball of pure cannibalistic (well, [i]everything[/i]-istic) joy. She never kept track of what time it was, but there was just one thing that made her know it was the start to another fun-filled day of try-not-to-get-killed-by-experiments: [color=007236][CENTER][h1][i][b]"WWWWWAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"[/b][/i][/h1][/CENTER][/color] Of course, it was the [i]extremely loud[/i] greeting of Worogoro (or, "Robot Pickle," as Maya liked to call him) as he sauntered into the facility. Maya had to wonder, if Worogoro [i]looked[/i] like a pickle, would he taste like one? If she actually managed to get to the little amount of face he left out, instead of his stupid armor that tasted like pure pain to bite, she'd be able to find out. Except, [color=9e0039][i]your teeth are already broken enough[/i][/color], the tiny amount of sanity she had left tried to warn her; in the few years Maya had been stuck in the facility, she had broken teeth on a variety of things. There was: [list] [*] One of Dr. Phillip's inventions (that also left one [i]hell [/i]of a mark) [*] A stun gun. Her little voice of sanity tried to warn her that she'd get electrocuted if she tried that, but she did it anyway. [*] ... and a wrench. [/list] Of course Maya wouldn't listen to that snippet of sanity - because her sanity voice was [i]boring[/i]. She enjoyed her life. Though she couldn't really bite things anymore, since she's been gagged. But she'd figure out how to cause trouble in another way, she was sure of that, at least.