[center][h2]Evaline Summerfall[/h2][/center] Evaline was alone in the now empty tavern, sweeping floors, wiping down tables and cleaning dishes. The rain began to patter on this windows as she was setting up the trays for the tenants breakfast. She stopped for a moment and just listened to the rain. She began humming a lullaby to herself, one that her mother used to sing to her on rainy nights. It was an old elven one that isn't sung very often, especially among men but, Evaline didn't see any harm in it as no one else was around. In the distance she heard the sounds of several footsteps heading her way. She peeked her head outside the door and saw armed guards running down the street. Evaline quickly ran down to her room and dressed in her cloak with all her essentials at hand, her scarf still wrapped neatly around her ears. She heard the footsteps of some of the tenants above her as well but, didn't pay it any mind, she had to know what was going on. Evaline scurried up the stairs to the tavern and slipped out the door as the last guard went along lighting lanterns as he went. She looked down the road the way they came, seeing heads peak out of doorways then quickly slip inside their homes. She pulled the hood of the cloak over her head to see through the rain and quietly followed in the shadows where the guards were headed. She glanced back at the tavern and saw a few others leaving it then continued to follow, watching and listening. Something inside her told her this was important, maybe she would learn something of the whereabouts of her mother or, perhaps someone was injured or would be injured and she could assist in that way.