[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Alex_zpsf9ry2gng.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=007236][i][b] Alex North[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] Alex looked deeply into her eyes and told her in a tired voice. [color=007236]"My love, I must turn the girl tonight. She is the last of her family. Her sister was killed the other day by a vampire and I killed him by order of the council. Today her father and she has been framed. The only life she would have would be one where she were to go to prison. I will turn her and we'll give her a new life. I, her father and you, her mother and hopefully she will like Shade."[/color] He could tell she wasn't too keen on this idea. [color=007236]"I can't let her go, the council doesn't want anymore trouble because of this family. I can turn her or I can kill her outright. I would prefer to turn her. Her presence though likely to be fraught with irritation as she learns to be vampire would be preferable to her just being dead would it not?"[/color] Alex began kissing Claudia up her arm over her shoulder and up her neck til he was nibbling on her ears. In between kisses he said [color=007236]"I'll drain her"[/color] he kisses her, [color=007236]"Then I'll bury her in the ground with me overnight"[/color] More kisses [color=007236]"then tomorrow afternoon" [/color]kisses [color=007236]"When she is vampire I'll let her feed on my blood."[/color] Kisses reach her lips and he stays there for a moment before deepening the kiss. [color=007236]"The only problem is I hate the thought of leaving you here alone for even one night."[/color] he said. [hr] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/d037451871d3fd370ac9e8bfbff57de8_zpsv4j5lnqn.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][i] [color=f6989d]Casey Green-Werewolf [/color][/i][/h1][/center] [color=f6989d]"I'm not buying that for a second Darric."[/color] Casey said huskily while kissing him in desperate need to be one with him again.[color=f6989d] "I can be happy with my new life if it is full of you and me. Have you ever imprinted on anyone? Who was she and have you imprinted on anyone else?"[/color] Casey disappeared under the covers and began to tease him until he couldn't take anymore. [@kyrisse]