The robot "woke up" so-to-speak. In the corner of the room, his blue "eye" lit up and he slowly walked towards Adam. Fuck. They forgot to wake him up again. [b]"I'll be off to do some experiments."[/b] the robot said. His joints began to lube up and he walked quicker until he started running into the biogenetics lab. There, he took a microscope and began watching microbes do things. He looked at his chart and let out a robotic sigh. Simple experiments. The genius intellect of the the world's greatest mathematicians combines and he was forced to slave away like.. some.. sort.. of.. robot..? Well, he was a robot after all. His main experiment involved transferring the Cyclodomes to the Sientswords' petri dish. He lifted one up and brought it over to the other dish before dropping it. He then repeated that before dropping it again. And again. He promptly looked on the desk in the lab before grabbing a laser pistol and shooting the petri dishes, microscopes, and everything else in the room. The ork's roar didn't bother him as he wandered out of the bio laboratory section. Another boring day.