[Center][color=a187be][h2]Isabel Velton[/h2][/color][/Center] [color=a187be]"Mistress Celestia, I'll save you!"[/color] Isabel the Brave mounted her steed, Barnaby, and rode forth in her gleaming armor towards the cartoon tower. This time, she was sure she could save the Princess of the Puppies from the evil-doer, Rott W. Eiler! She lowered her visor and charged, lance thrust in front of her. Only a few more yards, and confrontation was at hand! [b]*THUMP*[/b] The noise smacked Izzy awake, and she started blinking wildly. [color=a187be][i]God, what an awful dream,[/i][/color] she thought to herself as she looked around, seeing her companions starting to exit the vehicle. She never thought she could get comfortable enough to sleep, being stuck next to Phil the whole ride. No offense to Phil - he was a great guy, and all - just not the best person to sit next to in a cramped van of seven, when he was the largest of them all and she was the smallest. Thankfully, she got the window seat so she could watch the sun set the whole ride, and the stars start to really shine as they got further and further from any kind of civilization. She had done a bit of reading online before they left, about just what they were going to deal with. Really? Thousands of people go in here and come out every year with nothing to show for it, yet there's still supposed to be this [b]HUGE[/b] treasure inside? If anything, it'd probably end up a great bonding experience, and they had already sang Bohemian Rhapsody a few too many times along the way. Jake, of course, led everyone away from the desolate "parking lot" (really just some dirt patch with what looked to be lines for multiple cars) to outside the nearby visitor's building. Maybe she could buy some silly T-shirt with the words "I survived Demon's Mountain" in Indiana Jones font across it and send it home to her little sister, or something. She did miss home a bit, being away for the whole school year. But now was not the time to feel down! Izzy forced a smile on her face, ready for everyone to gather up and get ready for the hike ahead - she hoped she was, anyway, her hiking boots being the only thing of actual backpacker quality she had on her person. It was time for one [b]hell[/b] of a night, either way!