[h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [@ShadowKingman] [@PKMNB0Y] [@KoL] [hr] "Phew! That was fun!" Kintoki shouted, pumping his other arm in the air in victory. Sinfjotli stared down at the imprints left on the table from what had just happened, his eyes as wide as saucers, his mouth flapping open almost comically. For a good full second he was frozen, unbelieving. Then he erupted. His mouth twisted into a savage snarl, his face turned beet red his arms and shoulders shaking. If the Heroes had been speaking loud enough to generally address people in the hall before, the shout he gave then would have been sufficient to be heard across an auditorium. [color=fff200]"DAMN YOU! [b]AGAIN![/b]"[/color] The golden Servant was nothing if not obliging. The veins on his neck bulging, arms rippling with power, breath coming in and out like a pair of bellows, his entire frame shaking with effort Sinfjotli strained against the arm of his golden adversary. He graced his competitor with a savage grin. He had been going easy on this man the first time, that was it! [i]Now[/i] he would show a real effort and reverse this brief humiliation before the rest of the assembled heroes! His god blessed brawn, the strength of the last generation of the Volsungs, was unassailable. It was around this time that his arm once more begun to bend backwards. Sinfjotli's face turned from red to white as the golden servant matched his strength without a hitch and then some, crushing down on him with an iron grip unlike anything that he had ever encountered while he was still human. With the same steady but relentless force the Servant drove his trembling fist down to the last few inches above the table... and then smacked them down onto it with a loud 'thunk.' The proud Dane broke away from his competitors death grip panting and furious. [color=fff200]"You... YOU!"[/color] He slammed his fist down on the table cracking it and pointed an accusing finger at the victor of the match. [color=fff200]"You didn't compete fairly! You used some kind of trick! You bribed one of these vĒ«lur sorceresses to bewitch me! Dismiss your enchantments and face me like a man!"[/color]