[hider=Mei-Xing Su][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5UV1ZwTFZocGJtY2dVM1UsLjAA/cienfuegos.ffp.png[/img][img][/img][/center] [center][b][color=lightpink]The Shadow Rose[/color][/b][/center] [center][img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/1432/1432080-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][color=F5D2E4][center]"Never underestimate a lady"[/center][/color][/h3] [color=F5D2E4]Name: Mei-Xing Su[/color] [color=F5D2E4]Nickname: [i]Acquired through game[/i][/color] [color=F5D2E4]Age: 23[/color] [color=F5D2E4]Region of Origin: North[/color] [color=F5D2E4]Hometown: Naigipon, populous city of fishers and cooks[/color] [color=F5D2E4]Deity: Hasn't trained under a specific deity, but mostly associates with the Dragon[/color] [color=F5D2E4]Master: Assassin[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXdywuMQA,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Race:[/b] Yun[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Height:[/b] 5 feet, 7 inches[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Weight:[/b] 124 lbs[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Hair:[/b] Light, blonde hair[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Eyes:[/b] Blue[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Skin:[/b] Light, white skin that is smooth, basic muscle build[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Handedness:[/b] Ambidexstrous[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Scars:[/b] Small scar along right thigh[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Tattoos:[/b] Black butterfly tattoo on left hip, Sakura flowers along right ankle[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Basic Description:[/b] Mei looks to be a typical young lady. She has long, blonde hair and blue eyes that almost sparkle in the sunlight. She is of average stature and looks normal. On a typical day, she wears light clothing, either kimonos or robes, but when under her assassin guise, she wears black and pink assassin robes that cover her face apart from her eyes.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXeHBkSGssLjEAAA,,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Likes:[/b] Sakura, Sushi, Practicing her fighting, Cooking, Clothing[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Dislikes:[/b] Corruption, Criminals, Men who take advantage of women, Dark Chi[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Goals:[/b] To avenge her foster father's death, To master her mentor's teachings[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Fears:[/b] Losing her foster mother, Large Insects[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Mannerisms:[/b] Mei knows she is an attractive woman and isn't afraid to use it to her advantage. Though some would call her conceited and shallow, she has people she cares about and wants to protect at all costs. She is a huge advocate for women and doesn't like seeing them be put down by anyone, especially men. While she is out, she is extroverted, appealing, and spontaneous, but when she need for shadows call, she can be secretive and conniving. She knows who she should trust and knows who she shouldn't, and if you betray her, she will come for you.[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Psychological Condition:[/b] Mild Depression (Bereavement when she was an adolescent)[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Superstitions:[/b] From her foster father's teachings, she believes that when a person passes on, they become one with the chi, and those that are close to the person can harness the power of that chi. She believes her foster father watches over her and she is able to call on his guidance when she needs it most.[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Social Pressures/Problems:[/b] Mei isn't shy in social situations, but sometimes a situation calls for a soft shoulder or a pat on the back, and she is definitely not the girl for that. She prefers to take care of her problems one of three ways: alcohol, sex, or fighting/training. She especially doesn't like over emotional women as she feels that girls need to be strong and empowered and you can't be that if you are sitting in a bar blubbering because your boyfriend broke up with you. That is not to say she doesn't understand heartbreak or heartache (she has had her own in the past) but she beleives you should be able to overcome it if you try hard enough.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5RMjl1Ym1WamRHbHZibk0sLjEA/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Parents:[/b] Foster Father - Wei-Yi Su (Deceased), Foster Mother - Ling Su (Alive)[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Siblings:[/b] Foster Brother - Jin Su (Alive). Their relationship is strained due to the fact that Jin believes Mei caused their father's demise, however unwillingly. He does not bear hatred for her, but he prefers she not be around him or his family anymore, less she bring more death with her. She respects his wishes and still cares for him, despite this.[/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Rivals:[/b] [i]Open to Rivals[/i][/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Enemies:[/b] Katsu Hyun - A dark chi user who targeted Mei's foster father in an attack on her village, leaving many slaughtered. She fought back against him and he remembers her fondly and awaits the day they can battle again.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5WMlZoY0c5dS4xAA,,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110617124516/assassinscreed/images/7/79/ACB_fan.png]Sakura Fans[/url] - A pair of bladed fans that Mei uses when not stealthy. They are black and pink in design and allow for quick and easy movements on the battlefield. When prefering to be steathy, the fans can be changed into single daggers for secretive missions.[/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5RV0pwYkdsMGFXVnouMQAAAA,,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Skills:[/b][list][*]Dancer: Mei's foster mother was an excellent dancer and, when not training, she would take the time to teach her daughter the art of dancing. [*]Poison Crafting: Though he didn't look it, Mei's foster father was a skilled craftsmen when it came to poisons. He was able to discern what plants and ingredients would do to the human body and tailor posons for different things. He taught his daughter what he knew. [*]Stealth: Mei is good at being under the radar. She can achieve this by blending in to her surroundings or using the shadows to her advantage.[/list][/color] [color=F5D2E4][b]Powers:[/b][list][*]Dance of the Sakura: Mei calls upon the Sakura flower to surround her while she dances with her fans. This causes enemies to become distracted. [*]Shadow Jump: In battle, if there are nearby shadows, Mei can jump to them and become invisible. If there are no shadows, she cannot use this power. [*]Poison Sting: Mei coats her weapon with whatever poison she has on her for an added kick in battle. Depending on the poison used, this can disorient, stun, or seep health from her target. [*]Sakura Explosion: Mei plants what looks to be a Sakura flower on the ground. Unbeknownst to whoever comes across it, it is an explosive trap. [*]Fan Hurricane: Sending her fans flying, they surround her in a flurry, protecting her from projeciles and harming enemies when they are near her. [*]Deadly Kiss: Mei blows a kiss to her designated target. If they be an ally, they are invigorated. If they are an enemy, they are weakened.[/list][/color] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY3YmFjZi5VM1J2Y25rLC4xAAAAAAA,/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=F5D2E4][b]Current Story:[/b] When Wei-Yi went out for the morning haul of fish, he didn't expect to catch a Ruby egg in his net. He had heard of these eggs, of course, and wondered where it came from. After taking it home, the egg hatched and a baby girl was born. Wei-Yi seeing an opportunity for another young pupil and, after finding out his wife could no longer bear more children after their son, Jin, was born, adopted the young girl and Mei-Xing was born. The young girl did not look like her family and it was obvious to everyone in the village. The girl had light, blonde hair and blue eyes, but she was part of their family the same. She helped around the home and, when she came of age, Wei-Yi stated her training along with her brother. Though a fisherman, Wei-Yi was a dedicated martial artist and harnessed his children's natural abilities. He noticed an inner power inside his young daughter and worried for her safety. She was trained rigorously, more so than her brother, who often complained about special treatment. Despite this, Mei became a talented fighter and able to hold her own to most. She would spar with her brother and the two were equally matched. When Mei was 13 years old, her village was attacked by a man named Katsu. The man harnessed the dark powers of chi and led a slaughter through the streets. After hiding his wife and children away, Wei-Yi went to confront the man. The two fought and after trading blows, Katsu stated his reason for being there. He wanted the Ruby egg child. Wei-Yi denied him this and the two fought. Unknown to him, Jin and Mei both snuck away to see if they could help. They saw their father fighting the man and, in a moment she will never forget, she saw ber father who, in a moment of distraction after seeing his daughter, was slain. Katsu then laid his eyes on Mei, who fought back to the best of her abilities. Before he could grab her, Jin tackled the man and fought back. Having lost all his strength getting to that point, he vowed to come after Mei until she was his. He left as quickly as he came. With little survivors, they had no choice but to move. Jin, after losing his father, blamed Mei for his death. He told her to never return to them, that she was no longer part of their family. She bid her mother farewell and promised to keep them safe, even if she could no longer be with them. The young girl traveled along. Never staying in one place for long, Mei found she could blend in well with the shadows. This was useful in acquiring essentials like food and coin, and even information that could be used in the right hands. She made a small name for herself in certain groups. To this day, Mei vows revenge for her father's death and the attack on her home. A pillar of justice, she aims to put down corrupted individuals and dark beings in the shadows.[/color][/hider]\ And done! Lemme know what you think. I can tweak whatever you need. I am not familiar with the combat style for posting, but am eager to learn.