Well, one thing was for sure: this mechanical being was not magical or mystical in any way. If it were, Theran's spear would not have been so easily deflected. Nth metal possessed special properties for resisting and negating magical powers and energies, while possessing some of its own. Not that that actually mattered in this scenario. The robot thing started talking, first in a language Theran did not recognize, then in Thanagarian of all things. It tried to assure him that it was not here for battle nor for any hostile intention, but Theran wasn't completely convinced. The thing casually slaughtered a bus full of people in order to land here, and that was not something the Thanagarian was willing to overlook. "You're not on Thanagar." Theran answered coldly, still pointing the tip of the spear at the robot once he was able to release it from being stuck. Clearly he was still not trusting this stranger, "Your ship didn't fail you, this [i]is[/i] Earth." but something else the mechanical stranger said struck Theran as very odd, "But I know nothing of any alliance. Thanagar isn't exactly the friendliest planet in the galaxy." what was this so-called alliance the robot spoke of? Theran was certain that the only people of his planet to visit Earth were himself and the Hol's, and no one else. It did claim to be from the future... would Thanagar send forces to this planet in the future? "What do you know of Thanagar? I demand you tell me everything you know about this so-called Alliance you speak of!"