[@knighthawk] Throw him in. [@Claw2k11] It was common for most of the races to employ melee weapons, since the Cardinal's powerful magic allowed for superhuman ability. It would just be more practical to use enchanted swords or something because they could just use magic to overcome more primitive arms like those of bullets. Most of the time, warriors were given weapons that simply amplified their abilities or magic. Humans were the only exception, being that they developed weaponry that utilized highly concentrated aether due to Alchemy. With their sprawling factories, they were able to mass-produce these devastating firearms. Their soldiers would be less specialized and trained, but they would be able to quickly replace lost units at an unmatched pace. The Imperial airships or war-machines were especially feared, which would be armed with arc-cannons or something of the sort. These large batteries discharged overwhelming amounts of aether capable of leveling an entire region with a single shot. In short, you are correct, there are both types, but technology also relied on magic. I hope that answers a bit of your question. ...