Fortune tilted his head a little as he looked at his dark Bretonnian counterpart, not really that surprised that the black armor wearing night was more interested in the promise of coin then the trill of adventure. As much as he disliked the idea of actually going on this expedition with cut throat mercenaries who didn't give a damn about honor and would almost certainly try and slit his throat in his sleep in order to get themselves a greater share of the treasure, this was his current best shot at earning himself the rights to own land back home and the money to actually do something with it. Turning to look at the rest of the party... and blinking as he noticed that there was a new addition that hadn't been there before. If the pointy ears were anything to go by, an elf had decided to join their group. Still, he decided to at least introduce himself as "Fortune De Vigny. A pleasure to meet you all." It was then that their employer had decided to show himself... in a fashion. Fortune had never seen magic for himself before; He knew that it existed and that the Damsels could channel it in service to the Lady herself, but their client was definitely not a Damsel and he sure as the vermin living in the sewers wasn't a servant of the Lady! While he tried to hide the fact in order to keep up appearances, anyone who bothered to look in the young noble's direction would easily tell that the usage of magic and the images that had been implanted into their minds had clearly unnerved him a great deal. It was an experience that he never wanted to have again. Still, one had to keep the image of control at all times in public. Still, Fortune managed to ask two questions after he calmed himself down enough to speak clearly. "Is anyone else slightly concerned that we are being sent to locate an artifact that can apparently consume the souls of anyone who touches it?" Turning to look at Jehan, he quickly followed up by asking "And why are you the exception to that?" He also privately hoped that the ship they were taking would be big enough to carry Twilight as well. He would really hate to have to leave her behind in this awful foreign city. [@Jbcool][@DrunkasaurusRex][@Andreyich][@Maxwell][@POOHEAD189][@CelticSoldier]