Rex had a system for surviving the morning rush, and the accquistion of something approximating a healthy breakfast for whatever he was, and this morning was much like any other. It began with carefully perching upon a coat stand that had long since given up it's career as a place for coats and hats to pursue it's lifelong dream of gathering dust. It remained near enough to the entrance to suit Rex's purposes, a perch from which he could wait for Amadeus to make his entrance. More or less right on time, Amadeus passed by, and Rex leapt to the ground, following along in his footsteps on all fours. With his ears perked up, his nose to the ground, and his eyes focused on his feet, Rex wove a meandering path behind Amadeus. Then, on the final approach to the coffee machine, he made his move. Scrambling rather ungracefully out from behind Amadeus, he made his way up onto the table that held the miraculous machine that provided the bitter brown stuff that he had developed something of a craving for. After only one failed attempt to clamber up the table leg and on to the tabletop proper, he sat and stared at where the pot would be - [i]should be![/i] - were it not for the big, green coffee stealing machne that was Worogoro. Rex stared despondently at the coffee machine, [i]sans[/i] pot. "[color=fff200]Why? Coffee?[/color]" The coffee machine, unsurprisingly, did not answer back.