[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/Alex_zpsf9ry2gng.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=007236][i][b] Alex North[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] Alex laughed at Claudia's suggestion.[color=007236] "Well I can certainly do that."[/color] Alex began kissing every part of her and when she was so lusty that he couldn't hold himself from her any longer he took her over and over until she was exhausted and he was sated. Repairing the bite to her neck as always, he whispered into her ear. [color=007236]"I love you Claudia, more than I ever have any other." [/color]He lay with her until she fell asleep. As soon as he was certain she was out for the night he snuck out of bed and covered her up. After he dressed he locked and then closed the bedroom door. He didn't want anyone to bother her while he was gone. Alex walked into the living room to find Shade looking a little oddly at the now awake girl on the couch. She had been crying. When she saw Alex her expression became one of hope. Alex nodded at Shade who went outside. Alex sat down and explained to her what her choices were death or death with a life afterwards. He also explained that she would also belong to his family as his daughter. Once he had explained to her he took her outside and she didn't come willingly but she didn't fight that hard either. Once Sara saw her grave she started to pull her away. [color=fff200]"Can't I just change my identity? I could hide and never tell anyone who I am."[/color] Alex, expecting this pulled her back towards him he covered her mouth to stifle her screams and he bit into her neck and drained her. Carefully he jumped into the grave with her and lay down next to her body. [color=007236]"Shade, watch over Claudia. She is sleeping. Stay with her if she leaves the house and protect her."[/color] Shade nodded and said something in his native tongue. Then he buried the two into the ground. Shade went back inside the house and put his ear to he door to Alex's room. He could hear her soft breathing on the other side. He planted a chair in front of the door and stared at the tv from there. She couldn't get out of that room without falling over him. [hr] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/d037451871d3fd370ac9e8bfbff57de8_zpsv4j5lnqn.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][i] [color=f6989d]Casey Green-Werewolf [/color][/i][/h1][/center] Casey smiled tearfully and turned over so that she was on her side. She kissed him tenderly. [color=f6989d]"I'm glad you knew love before loving me. I'd hate to think that you wouldn't recognize love when it found you, or in this case, when it attacked you."[/color] Casey snuggled into him and asked, [color=f6989d]"Tell me about pack life. Will I ever have any thoughts at all that are my own? Is it automatic that we would all hear each other's thoughts? How does it work? Now that I'm your mate how does that fit into the pack, me being the new wolf and all?"[/color] They talked until the fell asleep and woke up in the morning. [@Kyrisse]