[b][center][i]Jedi Master Greggory Wick[/i][/center][/b] [color=9e0b0f]"Aside from peace keeping duties the Jedi also record knowledge of the galaxy, aid in agriculture though the use of the Jedi service corps, and combat the stubborn evils of the dark side, though such darkness has been little in the galaxy as of late."[/color] Greggory said, waving his hand as he listed off a few of the functions of the Jedi. [color=9e0b0f]"If you would enjoy a closer look at the Republic Me and mine would be willing to bring you and yours upon our ship and fly you over to Coruscant for a tour. For what I hope are clear reasons we would have concerns with bringing your ship to Coruscant, but I can assure you that no harm would come of you in fact I invite you to bring along some of your men."[/color]