[@Heap241] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/00/71/7f/00717f8886297b85b27552e7f158fed2.jpg[/img] Full Name: James Edward Hunter Nationality: Unknown. He's not legally a citizen of any country and there are even rumors from those that know him that he was born out of a tree, though that is most probably not true(maybe). Age(10-70): Unknown. Appears 19, but people aren't quite sure. Favourite food: Apples(he finds it amusing that it was the "forbidden fruit" in certain religions) Hobbies (2 limit): Sleeping, and talking to nature(animals, trees, rocks, etc.) Likes (Share 2): Nature, animals(and other stuff I'm too lazy to list) Dislikes (Share 2): Large cities, pollution, any harm done to nature, most people. Minor special ability: He can speak to nature. Not just animals, but also trees, stones, and everything else(he can apparently also hear the "voice of the wind" since that's part of nature too). And not just speaking like humans, but also in the ways that certain animals and other creatures can speak. (still a pretty minor power, since he's just speaking to them and can understand them. :P) One paragraph biography (we want a little surprise in character): Not much is known about James other than the fact that he's a wanderer, and was apparently both born and raised in the forest. There's no official birth records for him in any country and the few that have actually met him find him to be strange or even crazy with him constantly talking to nature. Many have also been angered by his attitude, since he tends to be extremely blunt in what he says without regards to others' feelings. I hope this is good enough. ^^