[color=D6CC88]Amuné was unusually clingy, pulling Ethan's arm back around her every time she realized he'd moved it. When they made camp she stuck close to the others, but instead of gravitating to Ethan alone, she also apparently wanted to be near Cecil. He'd gone from making her uneasy to being a hero, and she regarded him with something close to awe. He'd gotten her and the others out like it was nothing, bending metal bars like a poorly made metal spoon. In fact, given how restless Ethan seemed to be, after demanding a hug and a goodnight kiss, she took her bedroll over by Cecil. "Are you going to sleep here? I mean, sit -- spend the night? Here?" The question was awkward, and Amuné's cheeks reddened as she looked down at her feet. "I mean...can I...would you mind if..." It was a shy smile she offered, looking up through her lashes at him. "If I join you? ...Please?" Unless he outright refused her, the girl settled in for the night right beside him, with Wyth stretching out on her other side. She even went so far as to slip her her hand into the Machina's. "I'm glad we ended up travelling together," she said sleepily. --- The girl slept well enough, though there was one point when she fussed unhappily, reaching for Cecil if he was still there, or otherwise Wyth. The morning saw her sleeping as late as she was permitted. Amuné had been completely drained by the emotions of the day before, and when she woke she still seemed subdued. She hardly strayed more than a few steps from Cecil, or if he tried to avoid her, from Ethan. The weather was lovely and did help her mood, but the previous day hung over her like a heavy shadow. Even though she knew she was safe now, the young Ydran couldn't quite shake it. Breakfast was quiet, and once they set off she again pulled Ethan's hand around her. Why did people do bad things like those men? They were bad, and mean, and it wasn't right. Even now she felt like she could feel them watching her, as they'd watched when she was in the cage. She grimaced, and pushed the thought from her head. She was safe now, they wouldn't be getting her again. She had Ethan and Cecil and even the arrogant Dimuran princess. And the new member of their group was Ydran too, so she was okay. Everything was going to be alright.[/color]