Hope this is alright! XD Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d4/e3/aa/d4e3aa12a62ec1a989a511752888005d.jpg[/img] Full Name: Katsumura Reiko Nationality: Japanese Age(10-70): 19 Favourite food: Honey-flavoured food items. Hobbies (2 limit): - strategy games (eg, chess) - wandering, exploring - gambling Likes (Share 2): - fancy architecture - mazes Dislikes (Share 2): - plush animals - locked doors Minor special ability: An uncanny "sixth-sense" that tends to manifest as an intangible, spirit-like version of herself which only she can see. Typically, she is not in control of what it says or tells her, and it has become a habit for her to mentally converse with it - somewhat like speaking to herself. For the most part, her sixth sense is bothersome, but is handy for things like telling if someone is lying. One paragraph biography (we want a little surprise in character): Daughter of an aristocratic Japanese family, she spends much of her time indulging in wild shenanigans, generally in an attempt to flee from the constraints of high society. Private homeschooling has given her a comprehensive education and an above average intellectual capacity, but she has a tendency to use them for more... dubious things.