[b][i]Paradise 'Par' Rapids - New Vegas' Lower Strip[/i][/b] Par would be relaxing in his run-down tenement's living room after a long day of maintaining his car, as well as acting as a repairman for his 'protectors' equipment (he technically didn't have to, but it paid to remind the Kings of what he can do for them). Lying down in a sofa, he can hear some knocking on the back door; did someone finally accept the job he had for them? If so, well, best not to keep them waiting. Getting up, he would walk over to where John was, and, with a smile, the black-haired, grey-eyed young man would tell him: "So, you came here for the job? If so, come in." Should John accept Par's invitation - there was no reason he wouldn't - Par would take him to the living room, ask him to sit down on one of the chairs, and then say: "I'm going to make us some tea; it helps with the talking." And unless John stopped him, Par would then go to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with some fragant herbal tea in small, clean cups. He would then give the details of the job. "The Crimson Caravan has been secretly working with the Van Graffs to stage attacks on their competitors in the Mojave, ambushing the lesser caravans in order to buy out their owners. This is not only immoral, but cheap; the Crimson Caravan is about taking high risks for high value, not dishonesty against undeserving targets. But you're here for a job and caps, not a spiel from me, and so I'll make it simple:" "Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff, the leaders of the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graff's Energy Weapons store, the Silver Rush, have secret safes that contain concrete evidence that I can send to the NCR's higher-ups, getting them overthrown. Once they are brought down, the Crimson Caravan will be in crisis, allowing even someone as young as me to take over. And when that happens, you will be greatly rewarded." A smile. "But for now, I will give you a downpayment of 250 caps - just let me get the bag - and, if you accept the job, a detailed map of the security in both Crimson Caravan HQ and Silver Rush." Par then went off to get said bag and map, the former which he will hand over to John, although he would withold the latter for a while. "Oh," he mentioned almost as an afterthought, "I'm actually sending multiple people after this job, with the same rewards, so expect some company. Nothing against you, I might add, I just want some redudancies. Thankfully, though, if this succeeds, there will be plenty of rewards to go around..." He would then wait for John's reply, and if said reply was a 'yes', Par would wish the guy good luck. Then after that, he would wait for the next adventurer who offered to take up his job; he had been saving up plenty of credits from successful jobs in order to have the money to hire people for this...adventure. And, as it turned out, it was sooner than expected, as one of the Kings would enter and say: "Hey, someone's here to see about your job; she's yelling and hollering at the front door." "Let her in," Par would say, and Ashleigh would be escorted inside the tenement; there would still be some, cooling, tea left. Then, the merchant would repeat what he said to John; basically, find a way to crack open the safes of Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff, and then give the evidence inside to him; discreetly, of course. He would then give her the downpayment and a copy of the map he had given to John. And with redundancies set, now would be the time to smile at the coming discomfiture of the Crimson Caravan and Silver Rush/Van Graffs... [@thegreenleafe], [@APRoll201984]