As soon as the door was open Orchid greeted the inhabitants with a bestial roar. [color=a2d39c]"WAAAARGH!"[/color] Brannor charged forth to cut down the kobolds to the right, while the half-orc set his sights on the Drake at the center. Sure the beast was accompanied by a kobold and a human, but Orchid cared very little for whatever threat they pose. As his rage empowered him, Orchid charged forth, his machete poised to cleave off the head of the glittering drake in a single stroke. He ran to the drake's side, putting the dragon between the human, the kobold, and Orchid himself. [hider=Rolls] Rage Activated Attack Roll w/Advantage= [url=]24[/url]/[url=]9[/url] Damage w/Rage = [url=]13[/url] [/hider]