[@Almosegosum] Khnemu seemed displeased at the mention of the beasts being necessary, but he quickly cowed at the mention of authorities coming, in his day, thievery meant you risked losing a hand if you were caught, and now he had slayed one of their beasts of burden, which usually cost more than just a hand. As he was facing away from the side road, Khnemu managed not to catch one of the police vehicles rolling around the block. [color=Blanchedalmond]"I would have no choice, hopefully this 'tea' is a delicious meal, I've never been served it myself. Another note, I would be able to move us to your home if you are not in the possession of a horse or other beast of burden."[/color] He said in his same monotonous voice, his body hunched and his fists clenched in a pose that was near-animalstic.