As the warrior slightly on the greener side rushed past the kobold that remained next to the earlier charger, the little creature tried to take a stab at them. Deft kick from the foot pushing the half-orc onwards discouraged the small assailant and they left their feeble attempt at that, now trying to decide whether they should keep their focus on Orchid or try to avenge their fallen brother. Seeing what the newcomer did next had them pick the latter, given what kind of trouble they had already got themselves in to. The machete did cut the scaly skin of the man sized drake, leaving a quite nasty looking wound on its back, but that didn't seem to slow the creature down. It instead chose to lash back at the opponent that had closed the distance for it and leapt to bite. The earlier distraction provided by the kobold had had the desired effect: The half-orc was now keeping his legs away from the little thing and thus the drake had easier access to their thigh. The attempt, however, was parried with the same blade that had cut the drake earlier. The situation seemed to be developing well for the assaulting party. [hider=Rolling] The [b]Ambush Drake[/b] rolled an advantaged attack roll with rolls of an [url=]8[/url] and a [url=][b]15[/b][/url], neither of which beat Orchid's AC. [/hider] [hider=Mechanics] First I mistakenly rolled for an opportunity attack with the kobold, but the room is too small for that. Luckily (or not?) enough, I could reuse the text for the Pack Tactics feature that granted an advantage on the drake's (ultimately failed) attack roll. [/hider]