An ocean of pews, all dotted with smiling heads, basked in the glory of the preacher. Heads up, shoulders forward, backs straight. All attentive and giving praise to the one and only true God. The men quite, not a one sleeping in their ironed shirts. And the women all prepped with beige skirts and hats and also caked in nude makeup. Everything was quiet and peaceful as the people read, no sang, their prayers. Each and everyone was identical, faces were different but when looking from afar you could never tell them apart. However, the new attendants always had a certain feel to them. Whether it be sweaty pits or the condescending looks on their faces, new attendees were easy to notice but hard to pinpoint. Aradia expressed this perfectly. She a person always bitter towards religion, but she had mustered the patience to stay quiet about it for this mission, managing to blend in almost perfectly. Well, she at first did want to go with bright red lipstick and a short skirt, but that was a sure-fire way to get kicked out, so some sacrifices had to be made. And so she fished out some slacks and a white shirt, making sure to follow the actions of the two women beside her while shooting them smug looks in her mind. Aradia calmed her mind, toying with her blonde curls as she scanned the room looking for her partners. She was relatively new to the team, only able to peek at her co-workers in their most monstrous forms, so searching for them now that they were all incognito was difficult. She thought she had spotted a few but was unsure, you never could tell and every time she drew her eyes away from the preacher she could feel heavy eyes pressing on her. Not that it was easy to stop her eyes from constantly blinking anyway. Everything was white, adorned with gold, high windows that streamed in golden light. It made her sick. [color=9932cc][i]“Overcompensating much?”[/i][/color] she’d snapped in a snarky tone in her mind, if only she could say it out loud. Oh, the things she’d love to say- “I’m here to steer your souls back onto the path of righteousness,” Aradia snapped her head back up attentively again, the main event was happening. [hr] Aradia won’t lie, she wanted to throw up during that. Keeping a straight and happy smile was hard when you saw a priest stab two children in the head with purple tentacles and brainwash them. Aradia couldn’t help but to reach for her knife, tucked safely and secretly into her pocket, she felt the blade’s hilt. It felt cold even with the layer of fabric that covered it, its smooth lines and dangerous edges sang with power. Her mind screamed at her, [color=9932cc][i]“Do it! Slit his throat! Stop him! End his life!”[/i][/color] The permanent sneer on Aradia’s grew with every second she let that monster live, she tried hard to contain herself but the temptation to kill whatever monstrosity that was was great. She could feel its eldritch life force, she focused on it, almost able to see it. It’d be so easy to just drain him of all that life in an instant. She looked around the room one more time. Searching for any out of place looking guy, maybe someone with a wart or a claw protruding from their scalp. She finally saw someone, Micheal something, was his name even Michael? It didn’t matter, all she knew that he was on the same side as her and that he was walking up. Taking the initiative, Aradia liked that. As more and more people walked up, all agents like her too, Aradia let out a quiet sigh of relief, her teammates were here, time to join them. [color=9932cc]”Father!”[/color] she practically jumped out of her seat and onto the walkway, her voice comically high pitched as she advanced upon the group. Curious eyes were on her now. [color=9932cc]”Father please, my name is Aradia Coventry and I am in desperate need of your healing!”[/color] Aradia might’ve been a little too theatrical, but she was loving the attention. And she might as well distract everyone so she gets ample chance to slit someone’s throat. [color=9932cc]”My poor cousin is a witch, and she has cursed me!”[/color] her voice and its slight southern accent boomed across the large halls. This was going to be a fun mission.