[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/broken-sword-video-game-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161130/6c9d3b853e8b428c9368290472cf79cf.png[/img][/url][/center] Aelrath was making his way through town avoiding areas with large amounts of people. He knew how elves were treated and also knew that being half-human didn't make a difference as far as most people were concerned. Even with his hood there was a possibility it would shift in a way that would reveal his pointed ears. He needed a place to stay while he looked for the mage who was supposed to be in town, learning new mid to high difficulty spells took more than a day or two. He came to a stop outside a blacksmith's shop, he had not had a chance to temper and repair swords in over a week and fighting bandits on the way didn't help their condition. [color=686868]"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour but I was wondering if I could use your forge. I am willing to compensate you for your trouble,"[/color] Aelrath said to the shop owner as he spoke he pulled out a handful of coins and laid them on the counter. [color=0054a6]"Yae ken use ma forge jus don burn da place down, eh mate?"[/color] The large man behind the counter said with a smile. Aelrath went to the back and was quickly absorbed in his work. Aelrath was polishing his swords when he heard the sound of the guards rushing through the streets. He considered staying put or looking for a place to stay but his curiosity won over. Plus, he figured that if there was a battle the mage he had come to seek out would appear. He quickly sheathed his swords and ran after the guards, he stuck to the shadows and used a wind element spell to lighten his footsteps so as to draw less attention. [@Heap241][@SmileyJaws][@Mesonyx][@XenoCyanide]