As Dai took a seat in the kitchen next to the breakfast counter. He looked over his mass bounty of cuisine for the afternoon. A collection of a roasted chicken, couple pieces of garlic bread, fried green beans, and a quite large glass of lemon lime soda. Some of which, like the chicken, were pre-cooked and waiting. The rest he made himself, a point of pride for Dai. After all, any Gluconian worth their grain of salt knows not only how to cook, but to make meals that can rival any planet’s professional chefs. Its why Glucona is considered the premiere planet in any solar system for gourmet cuisine. As Dai dove into the meal, it didn’t take long for the fat, calories, and other assorted nutrients to take effect on his body. Like some kind of fat balloon Dai’s body seemingly expanded bigger and bigger. His stomach going from flat and toned but bloated further and further. Reaching a point it started to rest on his sitting legs, and eventually covering the legs from his own sight even when he stood up. Meanwhile the rest of his body grew with his girth, his arms and legs properly gaining mass until his legs looked more tree trunks than normal. As he ate, Dai’s mind started to drift slightly, going back to the last week since Cosmic Boy visited him. It had been crazy, exciting, stressful, all seemingly at the same time. Having to give up on his hypersu career was difficult. Not just from having to say goodbye to what seemingly was the only thing he’ll ever be good at. His sponsors weren’t super happy to hear the news either, even with the reason being important. He had to work to get out of the contract but even still Dai still has to return to Glucona at least once a year for the next few years for commercials and such. Cosmic Boy though noted he knew what Dai was going through, when Cosmic Boy had to leave his Magnoball career his sponsors asked about the same thing of him. It didn’t last too long, and thankfully they didn’t ask a lot of him. Dai could only hope the same thing with his sponsors. Even though his planet’s people were all thrilled he was being brought into the returning Legion of Superheroes. It was a very big deal for one of their own to be recognized in such a manner. After the meal, Dai stuffed the chicken's two drumsticks into his mouth and held them there, the both of them sticking weirdly out of his stretched out mouth. He was planning on returning to his room to take some time to finish setting up his room when he heard [i]"Hey, big guy, come see me when you are done with what you are doing."[/i] Pausing awkwardly Dai glanced around before pointing to himself. Muffling out a “Mefh?” from his stuffed mouth. Only to pause, and with one hand quickly stuffed down both chicken drumsticks down his gullet, bones and everything. It was all a nice side effect of his ability to digest normally inedible stuff. His stomach giggled as after a moment it grew just ever so slightly bigger from the extra food. “Uh sure uh...” Dai let out a sudden belch which threw even him off. Quickly covering his mouth with a massive fist. His cheeks rapidly developing a deep pink hue. The last thing he wanted to do around his new teammates was give them the impression of the old stereotypes of Gluconians being pigs and impolite. “My apologies, uh sure I’m available.” Walking in, his massive girth making small shakes in the ground. “So what are we doing?”