When Reiko passed through the grand entryway and into the great Mitzuki Manor, she wasn't sure what to expect. She cast sweeping glances across the vast space, noting that perhaps she was the first to arrive. A familiar ache in her stomach reminded her that she was hungry. [i][color=ed1c24]Let's go look for food! Let's go![/color][/i] As always, Reiko V2.0 appeared to her without warning and intruded her thoughts. [i]Don't be silly, that would be rude of us. I don't suppose we ought to find the lady of the manor, first and foremost?[/i] [i][color=ed1c24]You're the silly one. She's here. She isn't here. You won't find her that easily.[/color][/i] Either way, Reiko figured she had to get rid of her current burden which was her luggage. Upstairs? With tentative steps, she approached the winding stairs.