[center][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LjA3NThjYS5URzkxYVhObElFTnNhVzVsLjA,/spring-time-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center][/center] [@FallenTrinity] Louise watched in horror as she watched all her friends blatantly ignore her warning; except of course Izzy, who Louise knew would heed her warning. [color=a187be]"Uh... G-guys, shouldn't we, uh... Really look into what Louise just read before t-touching these things?"[/color] she'd said, right before she herself got entranced by whatever was in the clearing; Louise herself couldn't see past everybody else to even know what they were looking at. "[color=0072bc]Guys, don't touch anything, this is [i]bad![/i][/color]" she tried to warn as she approached them, she again, was talking to a figurative brick wall. They didn't even flinch to her word, which made Louise's brow furrow in concern. [color=0072bc][i]Maybe the stories were true[/i][/color], she wondered, [i][color=0072bc]or maybe Milo just spiked everybody's breakfast.[/color][/i] All of a sudden, Sebastian had collapsed to the ground. And no-one even flinched. "[color=0072bc]Jesus![/color]" she shrieked as she rushed to his side, kneeling beside him. "[color=0072bc]Sebastian, wake up![/color]" she pleaded as she gently slapped his cheeks to try to bring him back into consciousness. And yet, no-one even noticed what was happening. "[color=0072bc]Guys, why won't you do anyth-?![/color]" As soon as Louise lifted her head to shout at the group, her eye caught a glint on the final empty pillar. And all of a sudden, she didn't care about anything other than the shiny object. Completely forgetting about Sebastian, she rose to her feet, stepped over the unconscious body of her friend, and approached the pillar, all while not breaking eye contact with the glint. Upon reaching the pillar, she finally discovered that the source of the shine that fixated her was a [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=22080740]gold bracelet, adorned with diamond and opal[/url]. Louise couldn't even try to stop herself from reaching toward the bracelet. And before she could even touch a [i]fingertip[/i] to it, something extraordinary happened: The bracelet had lifted itself off the pillar, duplicated itself, and latched around her wrists in such a quick instance, it was if it [i]needed[/i] her. The moment that the gold had touched her skin, Louise was overflown with an insatiable hunger. She felt weak, as if she hadn't eaten in weeks, although she knew that she ate this morning. Louise's legs shook, and she collapsed to the ground. [color=0072bc][i]Am I dying? Are these sucking my life out of me?[/i][/color] she wondered, her head spinning. She needed nutrients, before she'd black out. In the corner of her eye, she noticed a hanging bat that seemed to just watch her and her friends. Now normally, Louise, who was afraid of everything, would've screamed and tried to get as much distance between them as she could. However, Louise couldn't help but stare at it for a while, stomach howling and mouth drooling. All she needed was food, but she wasn't interested in any of the food she had in her bag, and she supposed that she was above eating her friends. It was as if she was overcome by adrenaline, Louise leapt to her feet, reaching up for the bat like a starving cat. She didn't know if she either jumped very high or if her body stretched really far (it was the latter), but before she know it, there she was crouched on the ground, wriggling bat in hand. Her mouth drooled as she watched it for a minute, trying to escape her grip. All of a sudden, she threw it into her mouth which, disturbingly enough, stretched around the bat and she ate it whole. And just like that, she felt instantly better. She rose to her feet, an astonished look on her face, unable to believe what just happened. "[color=0072bc]Did... Did I just [i][b]eat a bat[/b][/i], or did I just imagine that?[/color]"