i don't know why Walgrave's last remark about Zelretch makes me think he needs to burst into the dining hall and get in on the wrestling going on, just to show the whipper snappers he still has game. [quote=@Nanashi Ninanai] [@Lonewolf685] Yay, Tamamo came to the rescue! It'd otherwise be really awkward since Himiko has zero experience with men, yet alone producing a heir. Being an old maid is suffering. [/quote] It is alright now. Tamamo is here to provide for them everything they need to know in order to be the penultimate spouses...or just string someone along till you get an heir and then poison their food while blaming it on the scullery maid, but that's for the advanced lessons, assuming they don't want Tamamo to handle the heir issue outright. Six hours in the nurse's office and a bit of shapeshifting should do the trick :3