[center][img]http://s3.narvii.com/image/eu2jwjvdcpq3pdzu75gk3n3fz75fbrou_hq.jpg[/img][/center] Handel Haydn Hallelujah pounded on the keys of the little honky tonk piano the bar had set up to the amusement of the drunkards that filled the mess hall. He was getting paid by the bar to perform, though the occasional generous sea dog did add to the tip jar that was half-filled with Handel's own money. A marine burst in and announced the execution. Listening in, Handel learned that Captain Ruckus had brought in the unfortunate convict. Handel came to Shells Town to lay low and hide his identity, but with the arrival of Ruckus, that hope had been dashed. Now Handel didn't know Ruckus personally, but if Ruckus was famous enough for his name to be known out in the boonies here in Shells Town, then he was trouble, and Handel didn't want any of it. [color=a187be][i]I need to get off this blasted island[/i][/color], Handel thought to himself as he continued playing his song, bringing it to an end as people started shuffling out of the bar, excited to see the bloody spectacle. Figuring that he'd be less conspicuous if he mingled with the crowd, Handel followed them out, but not before he rushed upstairs and gathered all his belongings into a massive wheeled trunk. In the town square, Handel noticed the white hair of one of the cooks who worked at the bar. Handel had been going under the fake name Friedrich. He approached the cook, Bella, from behind. [color=a187be]"Mandatory execution?! You'd think it was Whitebeard they had up there or something,"[/color] he said, just to break the ice sonewhat. [@Shadolord]