For people's reference, this is the first draft of my CS, still got to edit a couple things and add in equipment, but I'll leave that until after agent and I iron out our characters' relations. [hider=Alexius Commenus] Name: Alexius Commenus Race: Human Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: On the surface, Alexius is amicable, charismatic, and down to earth when talking to most people in public which makes him impressionable and likeable to most who meet him in passing or witness him. He exudes a confident aura that begets his perceived ability to keep control over a situation even if utter pandemonium is set to break loose, and his capacity for empathy is remarked as boundless. In truth, while Alexius is all of those things, his bright exterior hides a schemer and manipulator of Byzantine depths. Very self-interested despite his mostly appearing to be selfless work, he leads a very two-faced persona to those who know him well. He takes relish in playing the long game when it comes to seeing his plans and maneuvers come to fruition rather than quick and brutal plots. An opportunist with a lot of patience, Alexius hides his calculating and ambitious interior beneath a mask of a persona that claims to hold the interests of others first. Despite all this, he is mostly honest to his friends and allies who have done by him, in these particularly unsettled times, he merely views himself as in being realistic rather than malicious. Bio: Alexius Commenus was born the son of Inquisitor Stefanos Commenus, member of the Ordo Chronos aboard the Errant Cohort fleet, where he has spent most of his life like others born to members of the Ordo, grooming to take over their elder's position and carry on their new objective to help mankind survive in this new age of strife. Once many millennia ago, the Ordo Chronos was an Ordo Minoris of the Imperial Inquisition devoted to investigating and understanding the effects of time manipulation on the Warp, endeavours which led to the entire Ordo's mysterious disappearance. Now since their reappearance, strangely coinciding with the rapid decline of the galaxy's conditions, they returned to a shattered Imperium and chaotic galaxy. Keeping themselves hidden especially from their former over-arching organization, its original members used their (at the time) still formidable standing as Inquisitors to re-acquaint themselves with their time period, and began deliberating over what course of action they should take in light of recent events. Many disagreed over specifics, but all agreed that they could not stand idly by while the Imperium crumbled and humanity was slowly consumed by this "New Devourer" and the platitude of other foes that had arose, resurgent. To this end, they worked quickly to utilize their still formidable status to overtake command of the nearest Imperial Battlefleet, Thanatos, to use for their own ends. Sending out calls on all frequencies to Imperial vessels and worlds, they called out their intent: to leave in search of a place to gather humanity and re-organize the crumbling Imperium once again. Many did not heed their calls at first, but more and more would over the centuries as the fleet, berift of long-distance Warp travel, slowly cruised from system to system. The Ordo's members passed on their positions, titles, knowledge, and skills to either direct or adopted descendants as they died, keeping the inner command circle within the fleet alive so as to keep the fleet from disintegrating and on course with their self-appointed mission. Some systems they found were peaceful and would remain there for a time, most were in various states of chaos and war with some foe or another. Though the fleet on occasion took part in some battles, it mostly kept to itself, continuing on its course, keeping up its calls, and growingly larger with each system it went through. By Alexius' time, many changes had occurred within the Ordo and within the fleet. For one thing, Radicalism had become the dominant ideology for the first time within the Ordo's members, which had staunchly been mostly Puritan for ages, but had slowly begun to become more and more radical as time wore on and circumstances became more dire. Such circumstances were the ever-present problem of maintaining and supplying the now enormous fleet as it traversed massive expanses of space, the light of the Astronomicon long-since dead and nobody crazy enough to jump into the Warp. Many among them knew the advantages Xenos and their technology could lend to their struggle, or understood the pragmatism behind the need to not having any scruples about raiding and plundering worlds of any kind resources for the survival of the fleet. The Puritan bloc had always staunchly opposed such ideas, keeping to the old Imperial values of faith, perseverance, and trust in humanity alone to overcome any obstacle. Cynicism grew like a tree within such an atmosphere over time though, and Alexius now saw his opportunity to not only gain power for himself within the Ordo, but to take the fleet into a whole new direction. The old master of the Ordo had died, and it was now left to the surviving members to choose a successor from amongst themselves. Although all members of the Ordo had equal say, the Master was often the one in the position to make the final call on matters and was the public singular voice of the Fleet's administration, so choosing the right one was key. Alexius, though he was young by Ordo member standards, and had only recently obtained the position of Inquisitor from his father's passing, had developed a very powerful oratory rhetoric and capacity for debate and speechcraft. He practically danced circles around many of the Puritans with how he argued their beliefs were obsolete and not only hurting the Fleet and its denizens, but the very Ordo itself through their stagnation. His persuasiveness was such that he managed to pull off a victory, and became the youngest Master of the Ordo Chronos in its history. With the power of the fleet effectively his and most of the Ordo behind him, Alexius wasted no time, he began effecting new fleet-wide policies towards the treatment of Xenos and Xenos tech, as well as the study of some of the previously "forbidden" subjects under past administrations. The Puritans raised an uproar, but Ordo and even popular support among the need for change within the fleet was so great that they were forced to quell their rage, though talk of civil war was abound within the ships. To this end, Alexius "arranged" the removal of many of his more chief detractors, not immediately, and never so boldly as to pronounce open warfare, but slowly, over years and years when most people wouldn't care to notice for connections, there was an exploded reactor here, an apparent suicide via overdose there, a death on diplomatic mission there, one by one, Alexius slowly removed his opponents all while appearing completely grief-stricken by their sudden deaths. And with each one, he got bolder and bolder with his plans. By that time, those that still remained who doubted his rule were cowed into silence and bitter submission. Eventually, Xenos were allowed to enter the fleet just as much as any humans so long as their abided by the laws of the Ordo, kept the peace, and contributed to the betterment of the fleet as a whole in whatever way they could. The fleet also became more active in systems they arrived in, picking and choosing targets to aid, targets to plunder, and targets to avoid and coordinated on a massive scale to get the most out of systems they could before cutting their losses and moving on. With the help of the combined genius of various human and alien minds, and through these new pragmatic policies the fleet gained a fresh wind of vitalizing energy, though their quest for a new home was still not closer to fruition. Then came the Cohort's arrival in Gregori Imperium space. Unlike almost all the previous systems they had entered over the decades, which were either lifeless or in some state of hostility, this one was one which seemed to have a semblance of order to it, and that changed the whole picture for Alexius, the Ordo, and the Errant Cohort. Forces: The Errant Cohort, a rag-tag fleet of ships gathered from dozens of different systems which the Cohort has passed through over the centuries it has drifted through space. Though at its base is a set of Imperial Naval Vessels that once went under the name Battlefleet Thanatos, its numbers also include numerous civilian and trader vessels, and several notable Xenos ships, 200 make up the fleet. The Battleship [i]Wandering Chronos[/i] is Alexius' mobile home and is the largest vessel in the fleet. Hard estimates on the numbers of people, both Human and Xenos, that populate the fleet are dicy, but it is estimated that there are several billion souls that call the fleet home. Millions stand ready as troops and battle-ready vessels from so many far flung nooks of the galaxy, though their lack of uniformity does in many cases lead to a lack of discipline or order which the Ordo Chronos seeks to keep a handle on. The Ordo Chronos, effectively having become Alexius' Lieutenants since he became Master of the small Ordo, they work to instill his will upon the Fleet and to carry out his wishes. Twenty make up the Ordo's current official membership as Inquisitors or Lord Inquisitors not counting Master Alexius, with almost all of them having Interrogator apprentices (but they have no say in the direction of the Ordo). Allegiance to Gregori:(Your characters personal thoughts on Gregori as well as how they currently serve him. This should not be filled out until after you PM me the sheet) Personal equipment: -A Lamark Thousander Model Revolver -Three Digital Weapons Rings (Needle, Flamer, and Las) -Emperor's Tarot Deck -Force Sword -Carapace armour [/hider]