[@Heap241][@arowne97][@Oliver][@DriveEMOut][@Silverlight138] [center][h3][color=ed145b]Claudia[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Evelyn[/color][/h3][/center] The woman stood for a moment quietly observing the other arrivals while leaning against the hood of her red sports car. So many interesting people, and there was even a small boy among them. How quaint, she thought. The poor thing, looked like he hadn't eaten in days, or had a bath for that matter. She glanced over next at the two fine young men helping one another with their luggage, quite expensive luggage, as it was nothing but a bunch of high end electronics, games and movies it seemed. Ah, people and their obsessions with technology these days. The woman considered herself lucky not to be sucked into such an idiotic culture. Besides, she had [i]better[/i] ideas for entertainment. Such an adorable cutie her languid eyes beheld beneath her shades. A peculiar girl with hair white as fresh fallen snow, a pixie-like persona she perceived of the youth. How [i]precious[/i]. Claudia couldn't wait to get her hands on that one. Why the lustful thoughts were making her face redder than the dreadful summer heat. And lastly...there was [color=ed1c24]her.[/color] Don't get her wrong. Claudia thought all women deserved love, but this...[i]creature[/i] however, she turned her nose up at. First, she already detested of that awful, horrendous [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=76F9nyNgT80]music[/url] blaring loud and obnoxiously from her headphones, if you could call it that. And second, just what in Hecate's name was she wearing?! She just had no taste in fashion at all. Claudia stared at the strange girl from beyond her shades, a condescending gaze of her blue eyes narrowing. The girl must've caught on she was being watched, because she whirled around shooting Claudia a nasty look. If looks could kill, Claudia would have been murdered over seven times seventy. [color=ed145b]~"Hmph!"~[/color] She turned her nose up at the girl and strolled on into the mansion following the others. She happened to notice out of the corner of her eye the girl...giving her quite the rude finger gesture. Huffing, she waited, arms crossed, toes impatiently tapping. Finally the Lady of the manor descended the stairs gracefully after a moment or so. Lo and behold, Claudia nearly fainted upon sering her, swooning on the inside with a pleasant smile curling her lips. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman Claudia had ever beheld. Her face, it was burning hot, even as the lovely maiden handed her her room key with a lingering stare. Claudia guessed she liked what she saw. [color=ed145b]~"Thank you, my dear. Your home is quite lovely."~[/color] When the dark haired girl got her room key, she merely shrugged shoving it in her pocket. Claudia glared at her. How rude! She was disappointed to see Miss Mitzuki leave, but...she did love watching her lovely hips swaying as she walked away. She'd have to get to know their lovely caretaker later on. As soon as Mitzuki left, Claudia cleared her throat, hoping to gain everyone's attention, [color=ed145b]~"Well now, since we'll all be staying here, I believe introductions are in order. I'll go first."~[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Who the fuck asked you?"[/color] The dark haired girl muttered. Claudia shot her a glare and resumed, blushing slightly, [color=ed145b]~"Anywho... I am Miss Claudia Lucille Amelie DeFeren. Tis a very long name, yes, so please by all means, call me Claudia. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, sweeties."~[/color] She gave her warmest of smiles to all. [color=ed1c24]"Claudia Lucille...what? Damn, feel sorry for whoever had to write that birth certificate!"[/color] Once again the little [i]goblin[/i] interrupted her snickering. Claudia stared at her venomously, muttering, [color=ed145b]~"And who might [i]you[/i] be, my little [i]cupcake[/i]?"~[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Evelyn....[i]cupcake[/i]."[/color] Evelyn retorted with equal, if not more sarcasm than the woman. Claudia sighed shaking her head. A mental note to steer clear of this one. Evelyn went back to listening to her music, but slipped her phones off again when some guy came up to her, asking if she wanted to watch horror movies. She grinned, her red eyes glowing eager, [color=ed1c24]"Got any good Asian horror?"[/color] She replied. Been a while since she watched [i]Ringu[/i] or [i]Juon.[/i]