[center][h1]THE TALE OF THE VALLEY OF MUIN[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://arras-france.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Allevard_France.png[/img][/center] [center][i]We will ever mourn your loss Lord Master Muin, and the tears of your sons and serfs shall cover, as snow, this Valley of yours. [/i][/center] [hider=Introduction] This is a political and small-scale faction conflict roleplay based on a low fantasy (probably no magic), fictional dwarven inhabited valley. It will be a mix between nation and character driven RPG. It will have nation roleplay style as each player will control a faction ruled by one or several of the sons of a recently deceased dwarf lord in their claim over the lordship of a valley. Each faction will control a part of the valley, and will struggle to survive through the hardships of cold, hunger, intrigue, betrayal, and maybe even armed conflict. [/hider] [hider=Plot] Rising from beign a humble stonemason in service of a Great Lord of the Dwarves, Master Muin was granted land as a reward for his services. A small, isolated, cold but impregnable and beautiful valley, in which he would dwell the rest of his longevous life. He brought along several alliegates and servants, and founded a small settlement, for which he also devised a watchtower and a mill. Slowly, despite the hard natural conditions, the House of Muin prospered. However, dark tidings were to come for this Valley. Master Muin was deadly wounded during a goblin incursion in the West Pass. This is not the only evil besieging the valley: the snows came earlier than usual during the last years, and the harvest has been too scarce; the cattle became diseased and the quarrels among the sons have detroyed the unity of the Clan. Not even the oracles casted from the Gods bring any good sign. [i] Now the brothers quickly gather for the funeral, but, who will take the lordship of the House of Muin and the valley?[/i] [/hider] [hider=Location] The Valley is pretty isolated, specially during the harsh winter, when food is scarce and dwarfs retire to their underground dwellings while the snow and ice carpet the hills and rivers. Rarelly in late summer or early fall, coinciding with the harvest season, a caravan of dwarves of distant lands bring news, songs, and valious goods impossible to obtain otherwise. Poultry, goats, sheep and other kind of cattle are frequently victim of wolves and foxes. Boars and other noble game is common in the warm months, but not excesively abundant. Magnificient birds freely roam the sky, but other less friendly creatures lurk in the virginal forests and hidden caves. [img]https://s16.postimg.org/3vwyywzlx/Map_raw.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Clan territories map] [img]https://s27.postimg.org/ctvqsnsb7/Map_p_claim_2.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Genealogy and notable characters] [img]https://s27.postimg.org/ehcvwkzg3/Genealogia.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Dwarves in this world] I assume Tolkien-esque dwarves for this NRP, with their longevous life span, legendary greed and unmatchable skill in metalworking, stoneworking and so on. I do not wish to go into much detail about this on purpose, as I see any other depictions of dwarfs as interesting. For this roleplay, however, let us mostly ignore what happens outside of the Valley (although modest references to previous historical facts are welcome). [/hider] [hider=A note on the Gods and ancient lore] - The ways of the Gods are preserved by some of the eldest members of the clans and by dedicated priests. Older, more dark and forbidden lore is said to be zelously kept in secret and known by very few. - Religion/shamanism/animism, runesmithing, adivination, the veneration of the ancestors, and incantations of powerful hymns might be considered strange practices from the past, but even today some still maintain these senseless traditions. [/hider] [hider=Clan sheet] The first applicant, if he wishes so, can opt to be the firstborn of Master Muin. The following characters will be next in the herditary line unless they prefer it otherwise. [b]Name of the clan[/b]: [i] Often it matches your leader's name. Feel free to include [/i] [b]Name of the clan's leader[/b]:[i] One of Muin's sons. Widows, uncles, sisters, nobles, etc are also welcome[/i] [b]Brief biography of your clan's leader[/b]: [b]Recent hisory of your clan in brief[/b] [b]Other relevant characters[/b]: [i] Including some 3-5 characters will make the political aspect of the game more interesting.[/i] [b]Location of the clan[/b]: [i] If your location does not include any special feature from the map you can discuss about it with the GM[/i] [b]Population of the clan[/b]: [i] An extraordinarily prosperous clan will amount as much as 3500 dwarves. Any more populous clan is strongly disencouraged [/i] [b]Main settlement(s) and economical activities of the clan[/b]: [b]Military forces of the clan[/b]: [b]How much does your clan respect the Gods and the old traditions?[/b] [b]What justifies your claim for the lordship of the Valley?[/b] [b]Quote one thing that makes your clan special among the others[/b] [/hider] [hider=Game development] I hope the game game will mostly be driven by your IC posts. Nevertheless, I will interve in the following ways: - [b]Pass of time:[/b] After some in-game time or after enough real-life time has passed, I will declare the arrival of the next season. Beware the winter! Rejoice the long summer days! - [b]NPC events:[/b] The arrival of caravans, raids or invasions, natural disasters or other similar events will be announced in the in-character section. - [b]Player-generated situation resolution[/b] [/hider] [hider=Posting rules and guidelines] - No God-modding posts - Do not write posts that hinder the freedom of other player. War, betrayal, theft, and whatever violent and political engagement you want is perfectly fine, but it should be ropleplayed between the involved players. - At least two decent paragraphs per IC post, not necesarily very long. I appreciate engaging interesting interventions that incentivate other players to participate and get more deeply involved than lenght or lyrical prowess. - Expect FUN [/hider] Clans must be approved by the GM [center][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/6a1b/th/pre/i/2009/244/1/5/nar_at_the_gate_of_moria_by_tulikoura.jpg[/img][/center]