The youngest of the group only entered the mansion once the others had. It wasn't like him to be this shy; usually he was a loud and argumentative boy with a lot of odd and strongly-held opinions.... The woman who answered the door spoke only in English. Great. He'd wound up in an English speaking country yet again. He only understood about three-quarters of what she was saying. She invited them inside, then she sasid something about what the food schedule was, something about bags (the kid had none), and something about the limits of the rooms. He was about to ask for some clarification, but the woman just turned around and left. The little boy growled in frustration, stumbling up the front steps as if he were having trouble keeping his balance. He walked through the doors and only seconds later the whole foyer started to spin with nauseating dizziness. [i]No. No, no no.[/i] He thought in a panic, holding his head in his hands as if that would help the spinning sensation and the incessant ringing in his ears. He was going to pass out if he didn't stop himself from doing so, but there wasn't much to be done about it. The ten year old struggled to stay on his feet, holding onto the banister of the stairs to keep himself balanced.